(Moscow/Kiev Composite Electric) After the mercenary organization Wagner ended the mutiny, the Russian government started to restore the country to calm down."REL = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Moscow's temporary counter -terrorism measures have been lifted , and President Putin and Defense Missionary Shogu appear in the video of unknown shooting time.Russian Prime Minister Michase called on the country to unite and support President Putin.

Wagner's head of Pryigon's serving on Monday (June 26) posted a 11 -minute recording on Telegram that the Wagner Group marched to Moscow for self -rescue, while an ineffective way to protest against the Ukraine war, not the invalid way, not, not the invalid way, not, notTo overthrow Russian leadership.

He said that all the volunteers had previously ordered all the volunteers to sign a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense, and on July 1st, the Wagner Group would no longer exist.He also said that the Wagner troops decided to turn around and return to the camp, to avoid letting Russian soldiers bleed.

Earlier day on the same day, Mashasjing said at a government conference on TV that after the stability of Russia was challenged, "we must act together as a team, unify all forces, Unite around the president ".This is believed to be the first time that the Russian senior officials have stated the matter after the end of the mutiny crisis.

Michase Jing also accused Western attempt to weaken Russia.Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said on Monday that Russian intelligence agencies are investigating whether Western intelligence agencies involve Wagner's soldiers, but the United States Ambassador to Moscow said the United States did not participate in the matter.The US ambassador also shows that this is Russia's internal affairs and expressed his hope that the Russian nuclear arsenal is safe.

Putin Haoyigu appears to the video

Putin speech video , which he was on Monday.The first speaking after the mutiny.The video shows that Putin praised Russian companies on a youth forum and ensured the stable operation of the national industry in the face of severe external challenges.

On the same day, the Russian MinistryIt was his first appearance since the Wagner soldiers changed.According to reports, Sho Gulu has heard a report on the situation of Ukraine's front line at a command post in Western Russia.

Pryigo has repeatedly accused the Chief of Chief of Staff Gracimo in the incompetence, and based on this, he was used as a reason for Laipan mutiny last Friday (23rd) .After mediation by President White Ros, Poriger agreed on Saturday (24th) to stop waving the army Moscow and exile in Bairos.

Moscow Mayor Sobyaning announced on Monday that it would cancel the capital's emergency counter -terrorism measures and thanked citizens for their "calmness and understanding" in the incident.The Russian Anti -Far fear Committee said that the domestic situation is stable.

The Bingchang exposes the weakness of the Putin regime. The EU: Unstable is not good for the country's unstable country

Although this mutiny is short, it exposes Russia's cracks and differences.The Western country is concerned about how the Russian President Putin will re-re-tree, and the instability of the Russian political situation and .

Borely representative Berry, a senior representative of the European Union Foreign and Security Policy, said at the EU Foreign Minister's meeting on Monday: "The incident on the weekend shows that the war in Ukraine is splitting the Russian armed forces and a impact on the Russian political system. Of courseIt is not good to see a nuclear country like Russia entering the stage of unstable. "

Luxembourg Foreign Minister Arthurbon also mentioned: "If the country with the world's largest nuclear arsenal is destroyed, it is definitely dangerous for Europe."

Lithuanian President Sata warned the day before that if Beros accepted Perigon, NATO must strengthen the defense in the East Wing area.After Germany, it was announced on Monday that it would be permanently stationed in Lithuania for 4,000 soldiers.At present, Germany is permanently stationed in Lithuania 800 soldiers, and 650 people are temporarily stationed.

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg called on Monday that Wagner's soldiers changed that illegal and swallowing Krimea and attacking Ukraine were Putin's strategic errors.He said that there was no sign to show that Russia was ready to use nuclear weapons, but NATO remained vigilant.

Ukrainian President Zelei and Defense Minister Reznikov held a series of conference calls with allies on Sunday (25th) to discuss Putin's "weakness" and the next counterattack of the Ukraine.

Zelei and US President Biden said: "The incident that happened yesterday It exposes the weakness of Putin regime . The world must put pressure on Russia until the international order is restored. "The White House said that Biden reiterated its unswerving support for Ukraine.

Reznikov and the US Defense Secretary Austin said, "Withdrawing from Ukraine is the best choice of the Kremlin ... the situation is developing in the correct direction."