(Brussels / Kiev Comprehensive Electric) Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter that the European Union is preparing to propose a financial assistance plan of about 50 billion euros (about 73.3 billion yuan) to assist Ukraine government spending and emergency reconstruction costs.

It is reported that the European Union plans to announce the assistance supporting facilities on the eve of the Ukrainian recovery international conference on Tuesday (June 20).Before the official release, the supporting content may still be modified.

It is reported that the European Commission hopes to avoid the establishment of heavy reconstruction support tools for Ukraine, which is still in the state of war, so it will provide assistance through donations, preferential loans and guarantees.The World Bank estimates that Ukraine's rebuilding costs may be as high as $ 411 billion.

Sources said that the aid plan will be funded by EU member states instead of borrowing from the market like previous aid support facilities.

The new supporting facilities will assist the Ukraine government to pay wages, pensions, some public service expenditures, and costs related to reconstruction of important infrastructure.Ukraine must complete reforms such as improving the rule of law and cracking down on corruption in order to obtain this funding. These reforms are designed to pave the way to Ukraine to join the EU.

Explore the use of Russian freezing assets to fund Ukraine reconstruction

The Ukrainian recovery International Conference was held on Wednesday and Thursday (21st and 22nd) in London.The European Commission has previously said that the European Union will meet most of the reconstruction needs of Ukraine, but it is expected that other donors and private sector will also participate.The European Union is also exploring the possibility of funding Ukraine reconstruction using frozen Russian assets.

According to Boyev, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Strategy Industry, Ukraine is negotiating with the arms manufacturers of Germany, Italy, France, and Eastern Europe to strive to make them produce weapons in Ukraine.

Boyev on Monday (19th) at an exclusive interview with Reuters at the Paris International Aerospace Exhibition venue: "We are conducting very detailed discussions with them. We are convinced that we will sign contracts in the next few months"

He said: "Ukraine's deterrent to future aggression requires a strong defense industry and armed forces. Therefore, international partners to produce weapons in Ukraine to make Ukraine a part of the free world security framework is very important." Boyev met with a number of company representatives at the air show, especially the drone manufacturer.He said: "We have discussed different levels of cooperation. Some companies expressed their willingness to go to Ukraine to invest in production drones."

But European defense sources pointed out that considering Europe's regulations and standards for drone testing, manufacturers may not be willing to produce and test in Ukraine.

In terms of the war of Russia, the Ukrainian military said on Tuesday that Russia launched an air raid against Kiev and many Ukrainian cities from east to west overnight, but no casualties were reported.

Kiev officials said that the Russian drone flew into Kiev from different directions. The air strike alert lasted for more than three hours, and the local air defense system destroyed more than 20 targets.Western city Lavff officials said the Russian army drone hit a key infrastructure in the city.

Russian officials appointed officials said that the Hermuson Russian -controlled city New Carhofka was attacked by the UAA drone on Tuesday morning, and three civilians were injured.

Ukraine Deputy Secretary of Defense Maria said on Tuesday that since the counterattack of Ukraine, it has not yet made a biggest blow to the Russian army.But she also acknowledged that the stubborn resistance of the Russian army made it difficult for the Ukrainian operations.

Mariar said on Telegram: "There are several goals in this operation, and the military is completing these tasks. They are acting as planned, and the biggest blow is not coming ... the enemy will not give up the position easily.Prepare for hardships. "She said that the current Ukrainian army has advanced in many directions in the south, while the Russian army is concentrated in the east.

Zelei Sky also said in a national speech on Monday night that Ukraine has not yet attacked, and some of the most elite troops are still waiting for the opportunity to join the battle.He also said that the Ukrainian army has not lost any positions since its counterattack, and the Russian army has suffered losses.