(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Brillings scheduled to arrive in Beijing, China to visit Saturday (June 17).He said that the trip aims to ensure that the competition between China and the United States will not evolve into an open conflict, and hopes that the communication channels of both parties will be unblocked to avoid misjudgment.

Blinton flew to Beijing on Friday night (16th) in Washington time, and fulfilled the promise of promoting communication reached by the China -US leaders in the Bali Island in November last year.Reuters quoted news that Brinken will participate in the meeting in Beijing Sunday and Monday and may meet Chinese officials.

This is the US Secretary of State visited China again after five years.Bollinger originally visited Beijing in February this year, but after the United States discovered and laid the "Chinese Spy Balloon" incident, the United States canceled its schedule.

Bollingken, a joint press conference with Dr. Victori, Dr. Wei Wen, who visited Singapore, who visited on Friday, said that his primary goal of his visit to China was to establish open and solid communication in order to control bilateral relations in charge."Fierce competition requires continuous diplomatic connection to ensure that competition will not evolve into confrontation or conflict. This is the world's expectations for the United States and China."

He also said that the United States hopes to clarify the interests and values of the United States and explore the areas of possible cooperation between China and the United States, including in promoting global economic stability, combating drug smuggling, and cooperation on climate and health issues.He will also raise the issue of US citizens being detained in China.

The reporter asked Blintin whether the trip in Beijing would promote more interaction, including the interaction between the two armies.He replied: "What will happen next, and you have to see how the visit is."

He also said that this trip is an important step, "But in a sense, this is not enough. Because there are still many jobs to do."

Victoria: Fundamental differences in values need time to establish mutual trust and mutual trust

Weiwen also said at a joint press conference that Brings is necessary, but it is not enough.Because China and the United States have fundamental differences in viewpoints and values, it takes time to establish mutual trust.

He emphasized that global issues such as climate, epidemic diseases, and even network security need to work together to become a key pillar of the global system and assist the world to strengthen tough response challenges.

Weiwen told Brinken that this visit is not only a critical moment for China and the United States, but also the world's attention."Therefore, we hope and believe that you can control differences, but more importantly, establish open communication channels, build mutual trust and understand each other."

Weiwen urged the outside world not to have high expectations for Bollingin's visit to China, so as not to put too much pressure on him."Please don't press the too heavy burden on (Brinken) poor shoulders. In fact, diplomats need time and space, and sometimes only some quiet time to make sincere dialogue without having toJust post a Twitter post. "

Analysis: Blinken's visit to China is difficult to cool down the situation of the Taiwan Strait

Whether the US Secretary of State's visit to China is a tense Taiwan Strait to cool down is one of the attention.The State Council ’s Asia -Pacific Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Kangda on Wednesday (14th) said in a media briefing for Brinkin's visit to China that China and the United States will frankly communicate frankly on the“ most important, challenging and most sensitive ”Taiwan and Cross -Strait situation issues.Brosky will also reiterate that "the United States will maintain the long -lasting interests of the Taiwan Strait."

However, Singirton, a senior researcher at the Democratic Foundation of the Democratic Democratic Foundation of the former US diplomat and conservative think tank, said that it is estimated that the results of this trip may be limited, and the possibility of cooling the tension for the Taiwan Strait is not great.Essence

He told the Voice of the United States: "China is unlikely to take meaningful measures to relegate the tension of the Taiwan Strait. China's recent provocative operation has nothing to do with Washington, which is more to affect Taiwan's upcoming presidential election.The party that caused people to vote to Taiwan Cai Yingwen is the fear of voting to war. "