(Brussels Comprehensive) Bloomberg reports that when China and Russia and other countries have increasingly promoted political and military goals through trade and control chains, the European Commission will announce the economic security strategy on Tuesday (June 20). HopeTo ensure their important influence in the world.

This document entitled by the European economic security strategy clarifies that the European Union must implement new supervision on the key technologies of military and civilians, and plans to propose a restricted proposal for overseas investment this year, which is obviously aimed at competitors China.

According to the document, the European Union will list a dual -use technology list that needs to be evaluated by risk assessment. The earliest September will be adopted by EU member states.In addition, the European Union also plans to coordinate export control measures throughout the European Union.

Documents say that Russia's aggression war on Ukraine shows that excessive relying on any country will only make Europe's strategic choices less and make the economy and citizens risky.It said: "The European Union now needs to achieve economic security in a comprehensive and strategic way, reduce risks and improve the technical advantages in the strategic field."

The European Union has determined a series of potential risks that may face, including supply chain and key infrastructure to become the target of opponents.The European Commission is considering the implementation of new investment control measures to restrict strategic competitors such as capital and technology outflow to China.

In addition, in order to enhance the EU's competitiveness and supply chain, the European Commission proposed a new platform to support key and emerging strategic technologies.

More detailed export control measures are later announced

A source said that the European Union's security strategy only allows the outside world to initially see the EU's overall strategy of improving economic security. A more detailed plan, especially export control measures, will be announced later.

The United States has been putting pressure on the European Union, asking it to adopt a more eagle stance on China.In recent months, the President of the European Commission Feng Derine put forward a more tough position, saying that the European Union needs to "reduce" risks from China without comprehensive decoupling.

In response to economic coercion, EU member states have passed a series of new trade licenses this year, allowing the EU to counter economic restrictions with economic restrictions.The EU's anti -stress tools enhance the trade defense capabilities in Europe. The European Commission can adopt tariffs or other punitive trade measures for political -driven foreign trade restrictions.

The EU's foreign subsidy regulations will take effect next month, which will give the European Commission new power to prevent the subsidized foreign competitors from distorting the EU market competition.

Analysis said that after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the European Union encountered many difficulties when looking for a new source of Russia's oil and gas, and thus fully realized that it should not be too dependent on Russia.However, EU member states are on the left when considering the response strategy, because several EU countries are important business partners in China, and they do not want to fight a trade war with China.