A senior researcher at the Institute of Industry and Technology, the top technology institution of Japan, Quan Hengdao (59 years old) at the Institute of Industry and Technical Comprehensive Research Institute of the National Institute of Industry and Technology, and was arrested by the Japanese police on Thursday (June 15), which attracted attention.

This is the first time that the Agency of InstourLial Science and Technology (AIST) has its own technical leakage. Japanese public opinion has also knocked on economic security alarm clocks in this case, saying that monitoring must be strengthened to prevent Japan from becoming a"Technical Spy" paradise.

It is reported that in order to prevent cutting -edge technology from flowing, the Japanese government is strengthening the monitoring of foreign researchers, allowing police to file a case through email channels.

Quan Hengdao has worked in the Institute of Industrial Technology, Jobe City, Ibishi Prefecture, Japan for 20 years, and has served as a senior director.According to the evidence of the police, at about 4:30 pm on April 13, 2018, he sent the research data related to the fluoride compound synthesis technology used for insulating gases in his research and sent it to the postal site of a Chinese enterprise in Beijing.

The data of China companies apply for related technical patents one week after the data is delivered

Sammers quoted investigators that the Chinese company is a Beijing Chemical Product Manufacturing Corporation.About a week after receiving the research data from Quan Hengdao, the company applied for a patent involving advanced technologies involving fluoride synthesis in China.Quan Hengdao also communicated with this Chinese company multiple times through emails at work.

It is reported that the Chinese company has a Japanese agency company in Jibao City, where the Chinese company works, and his wife is currently the president of the branch.

Police searched the locations of Quan Hengdao's home on the 15th and confiscated the information related to scientific research.Experts pointed out that the case that was leaked by the national institution's self -exposure of the data was extremely rare, highlighting that the official is strengthening the review system of researchers.

The Secretary -General of Japan ’s Cabinet Matsuna Matsuna Matsuna said at a press conference:“ The national research institutions of Japan have been arrested, which is regrettable. ”He has instructed the economic and industrial departments to completely manage advanced technology leaks.

In order to strengthen information related to economic security, the Japanese government is also considering the introduction of a security review system to review the personnel who process confidential information.

The Institute of Industry and Technology of Japan is a Japanese official authoritative R & D institution. At present, there are 12 strongholds in all parts of the country. R & D projects include energy, environment, young children aging, disaster prevention and infectious diseases.Of the 2,300 researchers under the agency, 147 foreigners accounted for 52 of them, of which 52 were Chinese nationality.This case is also accused of being officials that Japanese officials want to kill a hundred and pay close attention to the signal of "Chinese researchers and international students".

Sankei News reported that Quan Hengdao graduated from Nanjing University of Technology, one of the seven sons of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.The Outlets takes the United States as an example of the seven sons of China's defense, saying that the pipelines of Chinese stolen technology include sneak into Japanese institutions through international students and researchers.

Fluoride synthesis technology is related to preventing global warming

It is reported that Japanese technology development must recruit talents overseas, but facing the risk of technology outflow.The fluoride synthesis technology developed this time is used to generate advanced technologies such as transformers such as transformers, which is also related to preventing global warming.

The production classics pointed out that the Chinese government will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2060.Therefore, the cutting -edge technology studied by Quan Hengdao is important to China.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), it was learned in previous surveys that Quan Hengdao was commended by the Chinese government for his contribution in technology development.In addition, through interviews and searching relevant persons, Quan Hengdao has participated in the "Thousand Talents Plan" of the Chinese government's project to introduce overseas high -level talents.