(St. Petersburg Comprehensive) Russia President Putin confirmed that Russia has transported the first tactical nuclear weapon to Beros and will complete the deployment of Berlos Nuclear Martial Arts this year.He said this was a warning to Western countries.

Putin said on Friday (June 16) at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum: "The first batch of nuclear warheads have been sent to Beros. This is just the first batch, the first part. We will complete this in the late summer or the end of the year.Work. "

But he said that there is no need to use nuclear weapons.Once Russia's territory is threatened or threatened, Russia can use nuclear weapons theoretically."Making nuclear weapons is to ensure the security of our most extensive sense and to ensure the survival of Russia, but we ... have not yet necessary (using nuclear weapons)."

Warn Western countries not to provide military aid for Ukraine

Putin showed that these short -range nuclear weapons were deployed in White Ross, which aims to warn Western countries not to provide military and other support for Ukraine."This is indeed a deterrent factor that makes everyone who wants to promote our strategic failure to ignore the status quo."

Putin announced in March this year that it will deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Beros, but insists that Russia will still fulfill its nuclear non -diffusion obligations.

For his long -term refusal to refuse to call for tactical nuclear weapons reserves, Putin scored a straightforward approval in Putin's speech on Friday."We have more (nuclear weapons) than NATO countries, they will reduce the number. Go to them."

Putin's spokesman later said that Putin's remarks did not mean that the Kremlin refused to participate in military reserve control negotiations.

Brinkens: Undead will not adjust the nuclear situation for the time being

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said that Russia's deployment of nuclear weapons in Beros is "quite ironic" because Putin wields troops to invade Ukraine. The reason is to ensure that Ukraine will not obtain nuclear weapons.He pointed out that there are no signs that Russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons, so it is not necessary to adjust the US nuclear situation.

President White Ross of Lukashenko revealed in a media interview on Tuesday (13th): "We received missiles and bombs from Russia, and the power of these bombs was three times the power of Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

In this regard, Brinken said: "This is another example showing that Lukashenko violates the wishes of the White Ross and makes irresponsible choices that violates the sovereignty of White Ross."

Putin also talked about the war in Ukraine in the above speech.He claimed that the Black Army's counterattack has not achieved any meaningful results so far, and the army has also suffered heavy damage, facing the Russian army's "no chance of winning."

Ukraine has recently claimed that after the big counterattack, it has recaptured seven villages and 100 square kilometers of territory.

As for the economic situation of Russia, Putin said that the second quarter of last year was the most difficult period for the country's economy, but due to a series of strategic measures implemented at that time, such as the government effectively combined budget and monetary policy, improved the freedom of corporate development,Wait, promote the economic growth momentum.

He said that despite the difficulties in the past year, Russia still actively participated in the development of the world economic development.Russia will not close the door and is willing to create necessary conditions for foreign manufacturers to operate in China.

Officially predicts that Russia's GDP this year will increase by 1%to 2%.