(Moscow Comprehensive) South African President Lama Paoa Taka-faceted Telling Russia President Putin in person, Russia and Ukraine War must be stopped.Although Putin said that he was interested in exploring 10 peace suggestions made by Africa, many suggestions were misled by Western, including internationally recognized Russia and Ukraine borders.One day before, Ukrainian President Zelei Sky also poured cold water on this and Ping Ping's plan, and insisted that Russia had to withdraw first before he could start a peace talks.

Putin met with the seven African delegations at the Candin Ding Palace in St. Petersburg on Saturday.Lamaguza told Putin that the delegation hoped that the Russia and Ukraine would end the war and pointed out: "This war must be resolved by negotiation and diplomatic channels."

Putin said: "We welcome African friends to have a balanced position in the Ukraine crisis. We are willing to have a constructive dialogue with people who want to achieve peaceful people in accordance with the principles of justice and respect for the legal interests of all parties."

However, he questioned some of the content of the peaceful plan proposed by the delegation, including the premise of internationally recognized the border.He said that the Russian side has never refused to negotiate with Ukraine, but any peace agreement must accept the "new facts" of the five Ukraine states that have merged into the Russian Federation.

He also blamed the war on Ukraine and the West again, saying that they had conflicts before Russia launched special military operations in Ukraine.

Putin: Global food prices soaring are caused by the West

Russian President Putin (left) meet with African countries on Saturday in St. Petersburg Constantin Palace to discuss peace suggestions made by African countries.(Agence France -Presse)

In response to Africa's concerns about the global food crisis, Putin said that global food prices soaring are caused by the West.He said that Russia has allowed exporting food from the Ukrainian Black Sea Port in the past year, but the high grain prices faced by African countries have not eased because most of these grains have flowed to rich countries.

African delegations are composed of senior officials in South Africa, Senegal, Kormoro and Zambian, as well as senior officials of Uganda, Egypt, and the Republic of the Congo.The trip aims to mediate the Ukrainian war and express the impact of this war, especially concerned about the shortage of food supply and price increase.

The delegation put forward 10 peace suggestions to Russia, including reaching peaceful negotiations through diplomatic means, alleviating conflicts, respecting the sovereignty of various countries, providing security guarantees for all relevant countries, allowing agricultural products to be freely exported through the Black Sea, warders, and war suffered war.The influential children are sent back to the original country.

Before the delegation went to Russia, he met Zelei in Kiev, Ukraine.Zelezky showed that the Russian army must withdraw from the Ukrainian territory occupied by the Russian and Ukraine.

Russian Foreign Minister: Moscow agrees with the "main method" of the African peace plan

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said on Saturday that Moscow agreed with the "main method" of the African peace plan, but the Kremlin spokesman Peskov pointed out that any peace initiative is "difficult to achieve."

Peskov said that Putin is interested in exploring Africa's proposals and will continue to talk to African countries.Lavrov revealed that Zellezki did not pass the African delegation to Putin on behalf of him.

Egyptian Prime Minister Madbeli said that African countries will continue to strive to seek solutions for Russian and Ukraine conflicts.He pointed out that if Russia and Ukraine stopped the fire, this would launch the road to the two parties.

African countries have different stances on Russia and Ukraine. Some countries stand on the side of Ukraine, some countries tend to support Russia, while others choose to maintain neutrality.

The persuasion of the African delegation is not surprising.Analysts pointed out that both Russia and Ukraine believe that they can win this war and make it more and more difficult for persuasion and talk.

New Year: Wu Bar Dam's dyke this month is likely to be done by Russia

In addition, New York Times Survey shows , Ukraine Heruson, Hulson, UkraineWhen the embankment is, it is likely to be done by Russia.

New Year's Friday (16th) quoted engineers and blasting experts reported: "Evidence shows that the dam is controlled by the control of Russia."

International legal experts who assisted Ukraine's investigation pointed out on the same day that preliminary investigations showed that the dam was "likely" to be destroyed by bombs placed by Russia.

Ukraine's Ministry of the Interior said on Saturday evening that the flood caused by the dam lubble 31 people disappeared.Russian officials said that 29 people died in Russia -controlled regions of Hermuson.