(New Delhi Comprehensive Electric) Indian Prime Minister Modi Modi on Wednesday (June 21) will start a three -day state visit to the United States and will speak in Congress.He is known as the turning point of bilateral relations, focusing on deepening the cooperation between the two countries in the field of defense and high -tech.

Modi was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal before going to the United States. He said when India did not adopt a stronger position on Russia, "I don't think this kind of view is common in the United States ... I think India's position is in the world around the world.It is well -known and well understood. The world fully believes that India's primary task is to maintain peace. "

New Delhi has condemned its old allies Russia because of the Ukraine War; the trade volume of the two countries has increased to a record level, which is mainly caused by the increase in Russian oil entrances.

Camp Nou, the Institute of Research, Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research (CSIS), told AFP that although the United States will try to promote India's "further action" to Russia, it seems that in the past year, it seems that it does not seem to be (the United States has not become the United States (the United States has not become the United States (the United States has not become the United States (the United States has not become the United StatesThe huge obstacles of the development of relations between the two countries. "

The partner and Indian business chairman of the Asian Group of the consulting company Malik said that US -India relations are defined by "pragmatic and in -depth coordination of the government level" and have a "very powerful" economic and commercial connection.

The two -country trade record last year

Last year, the trade volume of the two countries reached a record high of 191 billion US dollars (about S $ 256.2 billion), making the United States the largest trading partner in India and the third largest source of direct investment in India.

With the rapid development of India, Modi believes that it is time to let India play a more important role on the world stage.He called for reforms to the United Nations and other international organizations in order to adapt to the increasingly polarized world order, so that India can speak more widely for other developing countries."India should get higher, deeper and wider images and functions."

Modi also stated that hopes that India will become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, "I should ask the world if I hope India will enter the Security Council."

When talking about India -China relations, Modi refers to that only the border areas have achieved peace, can the relationship between the two countries go further."To establish normal bilateral relations with China, peace and tranquility in border areas are crucial."

Since the conflict between India and China in 2020 on the remote Himalayan border, the relationship between the two countries has been nervous.At least 20 Indian soldiers and four Chinese soldiers were killed in that battle. After the two sides, the two sides assembled the army on a large scale on the border.

It is reported that Modi will also meet with the president of the top American company during the visit to the United States, including Tesla President Musk for investment promotion.