Russian President Putin said he had deployed the first tactical nuclear weapons in Beros.This is the first time Putin confirmed this.

Bloomberg reported that Putin said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on Friday (June 16): "The first batch of nuclear bombs has been transported to White Ross. But this is only the first batch. In the end of this yearThis deployment work. "

Putin said that if Russia's territory is complete or threatened, Russia "theoretically" can use nuclear weapons, but he believes that Russia now "does not need" nuclear weapons.

Putin also said that Moscow fulfilled nuclear non-proliferation obligations through control of nuclear weapons, although the Russia provided the Berlog Army with Training and use of tactical special ammunition storage and use .

The White House condemned Putin's remarks on the use of nuclear weapons on Friday.However, when asked about the incident, US Secretary of State Brillings said that Russia was ready to use nuclear weapons, "we don't think it is necessary to adjust our nuclear situation."

March 25 will deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Beloos in Beroos.EssenceThis is the first time that Russia has deployed nuclear weapons in other countries since 1990.