U.S. Secretary of State Brillings said on the eve of visiting China that China , Aimed at ensuring that the competition between the United States and China will not evolve into an open conflict.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Agence France -Presse reported that Brinken said on Friday (June 16) in a joint press conference between Dr. Victoria, Dr. Victoria, Dr. Victoria, Washington, saying: "Fierce competition relationship requires sustainable diplomatic connections in order to ensure thatCompetition will not evolve into confrontation or conflict. "

Brinken said that he would meet with senior China in Beijing to fulfill the promotion commitment reached by the US -China -China Head Head of state in Bali last November.

Brinken also said that he hopes to establish a "open and control" communication channel to avoid misjudgment.He will communicate with China frankly on a series of "very concerned" issues in the United States and discuss the potential cooperation areas of both sides, including global issues such as economic stability and climate change.

According to Sources quoted by Reuters, Brinken will hold meetings in Beijing on Sunday (18th) and Monday (19th), and may meet Chinese officials.

Blintken is the highest -level US government officials who visited China since January 2021, and the first Secretary of State to visit China in five years.

Bollingken flew to Beijing later on Friday.