U.S. President Biden Biden held his first political rally after the presidential President of 2024 was held in Philadelphia, and introduced the re-election plan to members of the US Labor Federation-Industrial Trade Union Federation (AFL-CIO) union.

Reuters reported that Biden sought support for about 2,000 members of the union on the same day, emphasizing that early support will create "great differences" in the campaign.

Biden also mentioned the infrastructure plan he had previously signed $ 1.2 trillion (about 1.6 trillion yuan), and said that his government had launched 32,000 infrastructure projects across the country.

He told the union workers under the stage that Republicans came for their work and future, and for the future of the descendants of the workers.

Biden was hailed by labor leaders as the most president of the union in history.He supports the collective negotiations of the trade union in the enterprise, overthrowing the rules of weakening workers' protection by the former President Trump, which has been overturned, promoted the reduction of the number of members of the union members for decades, and made it easier for the workers to build a bridge andport.

The above -mentioned $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure plan is from the infrastructure investment and employment bill signed by Biden in 2021.In order to obtain the bill in the House of Representatives, the Bayeng government and members of the parliament made several months of fierce political quarrels.Biden believes that the bill is an investment of "only one generation" and has a "milestone significance".

Some trade union leaders said that the white workers' class union voters have disagreeed whether they support Biden in 2020.But he now gets their support.

Ryan Boyer, the Philadelphia Construction Industry Committee leader of the Fifty Trade Unions, including boiler workers and steel workers, said what the workers have been in the 2024 election of workers who have supported the union workers since the president of Bayeng.Doubt.He emphasized that all the veritable laborers leaders in Philadelphia realized how much Biden's support for men and women.

In 2020, the union voters helped Biden win the battlefield states including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.It is expected that before the 2024 election, labor will play an important role in the grassroots operation of the Democratic Party.

Seth Harris, who was the highest worker policy adviser to the Biden team, said Biden's infrastructure, chips and climate bills help create millions of jobs that do not need university degree.This will help him win the opposition.

He pointed out that the construction industry is one of the largest groups of men who have no college degree and engage in their occupations. A large part of Biden's economic strategy is concentrated on men and women who do not intend to obtain university degrees.