Former US Minister of Justice Balta said that if the former President Trump was charged with the quintest office, he deliberately collected hundreds of altitude documents for the allegations, and Trump was "finished."

Reuters reported that when Trump served as the Minister of Justice during his tenure, when he was interviewed on Sunday (June 11), he was interviewed by the "Sunday Fox News", and he was the special prosecutor Smith Decision to sue Trump 37 federal criminal criminal crimes .

Balt said: "The degree of sensitivity and quantity of these documents surprised me ... And I think that it is very sufficient to accuse him (Trump) intentionally retaining the prosecution of these documents." Balta further said: "In fact, as long as half of the charges are established, he is finished."

Balta served as the Minister of Justice from February 2019 to December 2020.Just as many Republican Congress = "" R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _BLANK> Next Presidential Election The leaders in the Republican primaries and Trump are reluctant to criticizeDuring Trump, Balt's comment on Trump's confidential documents was particularly noticeable.

After the speech was delivered, Balt was criticized by Trump in social media

After the interview with Balt, Trump criticized and humiliated Balt in his social media platform Truth Social. He pointed out that Bar was a "laziness" and "weak" judicial minister.He also pointed out that Balt's remarks were wrong information.

Trump will go to the Miami Federal Court on Tuesday (13th) to attend the first hearing of the confidential document case. He was charged with 31 spy law to deliberately retain the defense information.Do false statements, conspiracy and concealment.

The Trump campaign team said on Sunday that Trump will speak at 8:15 pm on Tuesday (Singapore Tuesday time at 8:15 in the morning) and give a speech at his Golf Club in New Jersey.