(Washington Reuters) U.S. media explored that according to German surveys, a destruction team used Poland as an action base and bombed the Beixi natural gas pipeline connecting Russia and Western Europe in September last year.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday (June 10) that investigators analyzed the allegedly used to destroy the two -week voyage of the yacht fairy number (Andromeda), which is suspected of destroying the Nord Stream in the Baltic Sea.It was found that before it drove to Poland, the crew placed deep -sea explosives at Beixi No. 1.

Reporting quoted the voyager's words, the investigators found some traces of deoxyrocytose (DNA) on the yacht, and tried to compare the collected DNA samples with the "at least one Ukrainian soldier".

For the latest investigation, the German Federal Criminal Police Department and the Polish government spokesman did not immediately respond to Reuters' comment requests, but a senior Polish official believed that reports were the results of Russia's propaganda.

The coordinator of the Polish Special Service Bureau Zaling tweeted: "The media repeatedly reported that the news about Beixi 1 and No. 2 pipelines was damaged by Poland or Ukraine.Warsaw and Kiev are the impression or assumptions of the black hands behind this incident. "

The Washington Post recently reported that three months before the Beixi natural gas pipeline was bombed, the United States learned that Ukraine plans to attack these channels.

In March of this year, the German media said that a yacht of a Polish company owned by Ukrainian citizens may participate in the attack.However, Ukrainian President Zelei Sky has repeatedly denied that Kiev involved in it.