(Washington Composite Electric) Campbell, a coordinator of Indo -Pacific Affairs of the National Security Council, said that Sino -US relations are tight, the two countries have poor communication. At present, the reconciliation efforts are still "uncertain", and the two countries have just returned to new diplomacy.

Campbell said at a event at the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS).

Campbell said that the goal of the United States is to launch "constructive" diplomacy with China and hopes to coordinate global issues such as climate change, but the United States believes that competition will still be the main axis of relations between the two countries.

The dialogue negotiation mechanism must be established to deal with the close contact accident of warship fighter planes

He said that the United States hopes that competition will remain within the scope of rationality and responsibility."We don't want to fall into confrontation. We think it is necessary to establish a dialogue and negotiation mechanism to deal with the problem of accidents in the close -range operation of warships or fighters."

Two incidents occurred in the South China Sea last week to make the United States alertness. One was a channel for a Chinese fighter to fly into the US reconnaissance aircraft, and the other was a route where the Chinese naval warship sailed into the US destroyer.China and the United States have not resumed normal military communication. Last week, Li Shangfu, who was sanctioned by the United States last week, refused to meet with US Secretary of Defense Austin during the conversation between Shangri -La.

Campbell said that when the warships or fighters are very close, they need to be similar to the mechanism during the Cold War to avoid accidents, but it is not possible to establish these mechanisms with China."We will seek to build a guardrail that can truly enhance confidence, and send out signals that we really want to avoid the new Cold War.

Digital US companies are more severe in China for political motivation

In addition, the United States Ambassador to China Burns on Wednesday (June 7) participated in the U.S. Global Leadership Alliance Forum in Washington online that several US companies are facing more and more censorship in China.Political motivation is an unfair behavior, and the United States will take action to respond.

Bernus said that China's officials have aimed at five US companies in recent months: chip manufacturer Micron, Deloitte, consulting company Bain Company, Capvision) And Mintz Group.

Bernus said: "Companies in other countries will not be treated by this, but they will happen to our company and look political purposes. From a China perspective, it looks like to return tooth with teeth. This is a mistake.We will resist these, we will fight back. "

U.S. commercial groups have warned that China has not only put pressure on foreign companies through various ban, but also launched a new anti -spy law to prohibit transmission of information related to national security and expand the definition of espionage.At the same time, Chinese officials complained that hundreds of Chinese companies in Washington sanctions or included them on the export ban list.

Bernus said that the United States is restricting American companies selling advanced semiconductors and other technologies to China, so as not to help the Chinese military and help them "improve" their strength.He reminded: "At the same time as our competition, it is important that we must control the competition and ensure that it is always a peaceful competition."

Bernus also accused China of failing to stop the production of Fentanyl, and vowed to continue to put pressure on to curb such drugs that cause hundreds of Americans every day.Bernus pointed out that combating synthetic opium drugs will be an important agenda for the United States to China.Fentny was originally an opium analgesic, but was illegally sold as a fatal drug.