(Bangalore Comprehensive Electric) India and China have expelled reporters in the territory in recent months, and the tension has continued to intensify.

According to the Straits Times, since the China -India Army in May 2020, the two countries have continued to this day since the military conflict between Ladakh, Himalayan, due to a military conflict between the border disputes.Experts said that since then, the two countries have not trusted each other to deepen each other. From time to time, India issued a ban on Chinese products and investment, and both parties reduced their travel and business visas to each other.

In the past three years, China and India have been expelled from each other who are stationed in the territory, but it is particularly serious recently.Chinese reporters who stayed in India have only one reporter from Xinhua News Agency in early 2020; Indian reporters stationed in China are now only one.

It is reported that many Chinese journalists have not received a visa for New Delhi in recent months.Among them, India asked a reporter from Xinhua News Agency on March 15 to leave at the end of the month.According to the Wall Street Journal, a reporter from China Central Television was also asked by Indian officials at the same time.

Since April this year, Beijing has canceled three Indian journalists' certificates and prohibited two of them from returning to China.

China or the first time in the past 40 years has no official media station in India

If the only Xinhua News Agency reporter's visa is not updated, this will be the first time that the Chinese official media has not been stationed in India since the 1980s.Beijing has said that if a Xinhua News Agency reporter's visa is not updated, they will also ask India to return to Beijing to return to China.

Ashok Kantha, an Ambassador to China in China, told the Strait Times: "It is important to let reporters stand in each other, especially when the relationship between the two countries is not good.P>

Except for mutual expelling reporters, the Chinese ambassador to India, Sun Weidong, left New Delhi in October 2022, China has not yet appointed a new ambassador.

India served as the ambassador to Beijing in December 2021, but Chinese officials did not officially meet him until April 25 this year.