caused some waters in the Dieber River to be unable to navigate, so Ukraine lost an important agricultural export route.

Reuters reported that the National Shipping Bureau of Ukraine issued a statement on Thursday (June 8th) that the Dieber River is the "great arteries" of the Ukrainian River transport, and the Khahofka vessels are the last Dniebu ship gates that all the ships go to sea to sea.EssenceAfter the dam was blown, the export portal of Ukraine was actually blocked.

Ukraine Bureau said that about 50 ships in the Khahofka Reservoir were stranded and the water level was declining.The official is trying to transfer the stranded ship to the upper reaches of the Dieber River in Zapolo.The ships can be navigated upstream, but the downstream will take a while to resume sailing.

Ukraine is an important global food and oil seed producer, but the export volume of Wu grain is raised from Russia and Ukraine War Since the outbreak, it has declined sharply.The Dieber River was previously a fast and cheap grain and oil transportation route. It can be shipped to the Black Sea Port by the barrier, or it can be shipped directly to the buyer by the river vessels.

After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, several black sea ports in Ukraine were blocked.In July last year, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations reached the Black Sea grain export initiative to assist Ukraine from exporting food from the Black Sea.

Although the initiative has been postponed again last month, /A>, so lost the line of the Dieberry River as another problem in Ukraine.

In addition, the Russian side said on Wednesday (7th) that Black Destroyer bombed the Taliti-Oeda Solid ammonia for ammonia.The Kremlin said on Thursday that the incident would only have a negative impact on the Ukishi grain export initiative, making the initiative's way more complicated.