(Washington/Liye Comprehensive) According to reports, US Secretary of State > After finishing the Middle East trip this week, it may be possible to visit Beijing next week.However, the U.S. State Department is unwilling to confirm.

Politico, a U.S. political news website, quoted anonymous US officials reported that the Blingken's plan to visit China, but the US State Department spokesman Patel on Thursday (June 8th) said that there was no state -owned Secretary of State's visit plan.The Chinese Embassy in Washington has not confirmed it, but the embassy spokesman Liu Pengyu said that China is open -minded to the United States.

Brin Kenkee originally visited China on February 5 this year. However, the official US official found that in February discovered the suspected spy balloon , it is postponed to postpone the trip to China to visit China.

After the

The balloon incident, the United States tried to restore high -level diplomatic and military communication between China and the United States. President Bye bellned to be optimistic predictions during the Hiroshima Summit of the Seventh Kingdom Group last month, and he will soon see Sino -US relations "thaw".

Earlier this week, the US State Department of Asia -Pacific Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Kangda and the senior director of Taiwan ’s Chinese and Taiwan Affairs of the White House Visit China visited China.Kobe, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, stated on Tuesday that one of the purpose of the two officials to visit China is to ensure that the communication channels of the United States and China are unobstructed and discuss the possibility of higher -level officials in the future.

Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao went to the United States to participate in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Minister of Trade at the end of May. During the period, he had talks with US Secretary of Commerce Raymond and US trade representative Daiqi.However, at the "Shangri-La Dialogue" meeting earlier this month, China has rejected the invitation of the United States' arrangements for the meeting of the two countries.

Sino -US relations are still in the trough of the country to fight for each other countries such as the Middle East and other regions

At this stage, the bilateral relations between the United States and the United States are still at a low valley. While holding the United States at the same time as China, it also strives to support the support of countries such as the Middle East.

Brincken met with Saudi Foreign Minister Ferse on Thursday, saying that when he met with a reporter, he said that the United States , but hoping to show the benefits of establishing partnership with the United States.

He also pointed out that the United States "is still the preferred partner of most countries in the Persian Gulf region" and denied that the establishment of a close relationship between Saudi Arabia is a problem for the United States.

Fersey emphasized that the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States and China is not a "zero -harmony game", and countries can establish multiple partnership and multiple participation; although China is the largest trading partner of Saudi Arabia, Saudi security partnership "almost every dayUpdate. "

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin responded on the day of Brinken's statement that he hoped that the diplomatic agencies in the United States to actively implement the commitment to "choose any country in the United States and China", and the Chinese side pays attention to the United States.What does it say, more concerned about how the United States does.

In recent years, the relationship between Meisha has been nervous due to oil prices and human rights. In a wider range of Middle East, the influence of the United States has also faced severe challenges.

In March of this year, Saudi Arabia announced his resumption with Iran under the mediation in China.In May, Syria returned to the Arab League after 11 years and participated in the Saudi Arabia summit.During the visit of the Sands, Brinken emphasized that the United States did not agree with Syria to return to the African League and questioned that Syrian President Assad's willingness to resolve the Syrian crisis.

Analysis pointed out that a series of trends in Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries show that Saudi Arabia is committed to improving its own political and economic influence, decision -making in various fields is more independent, and the United States has a slight influence in the region.