(London News) The United States has been prepared to respond to external space conflict and develop anti -satellite technology to deal with the threat of "provocative" countries such as Russia and China.

On Sunday (May 28), the British Guardian reported that Mohos, deputy head of the US Space Command Strategy, Plan and Policy, told reporters at a report on the US Embassy in London that Russia's provocations and China must be inBefore the middle of this century, it became the vision of major space powers. It allowed the United States to "have no choice" and can only prepare for rail conflict.

He said: "If necessary, the United States is ready to fight in space tonight ... If anyone wants to threaten any interests in the United States or the United States, including the interests of allies and partners who have a common defense treaty with us, We have prepared to fight tonight. "

From the banking system to weather forecast, satellites now play a pivotal role in modern life.In military operations, satellites also play a key role in collecting, communication, navigation, etc. of intelligence.However, too dependence on satellites also means that attack on a country's satellites may have a profound impact.

China, the United States, India, and Russia used to destroy their national satellites through ground missiles to test the country's anti -satellite capabilities, but the United States unilaterally prohibited such activities last year.Satellites are in danger within decades.

In 2021, when Russia shot down a satellite in its country, more than 1,500 fragments were scattered on the track."When you manufacture a lot of fragments, the fragments have been in the track for decades.

Mohos: Anti -satellite technology will be part of the future war

Faced with the new space competition, Moorhus stated that the United States will continue to develop anti -satellite technology without "not engaged in irresponsible testing": "It's not because we want to start war tonight, but because this is because of this, but because this is because of this, but this is because of this, but because of this, but because of thisIt is the best way to prevent conflicts. "

Russia and China are developing aerospaces that can launch anti -satellite operations, but in fact, anti -satellite capabilities also include interference satellite dissemination or using laser, chemical spray or high -power microwave damage hardware.

Moorehus said: "We have a variety of abilities that can be effective, and we will continue to develop the ability that enables us to maintain a reliable and deterrent situation ... Can you develop a ability to fight against satellites, which is both effective and effective.Don't have to make a lot of fragments on the track every time? The answer is absolute. "

Since the outbreak of Russia Western commercial satellites that are considered to be considered to be involved in war are the target of attack.Mohos believes that anti -satellites will become a normal component of future war: "Satellite communication is becoming increasingly common among many troops, and it is interested in many countries against these satellites."