(Kiev Composite Electric) Kiev, Ukraine's capital on the eve of the Memorial Day on Sunday (May 28), was hit by the Russian drone overnight overnight. Ukraine claimed that this was the largest scale launched by Kiev since the start of the war.The drone attack caused the two to die and the three were injured.

The Ukraine issued a text on the instant messaging application Telegram on Sunday that in the attack on Saturday night until the next day, the Russian army dispatched 54 drone attack Kiev, which was the largest number of Russian and Ukraine War.The Russian drone took Kiev's military and key infrastructure as the target, and 52 were shot down by the Ukraine.

President Zelei Zezky praised the Air Force of the Russian drone as a "hero".He said: "Every time the enemy drone and missile are shot down, they are saving life ... You are heroes!"

According to Ukrainian media reports, a series of strong explosions occurred that night.Popko, director of the Military Management Bureau of Kiev, pointed out that the alarm of continuous drone attacks continued to sound for more than five hours, and the local people spent a difficult night.

Kiev Mayor Cleicko said that a three -story warehouse in the southwest Holosiivskyi was hit by drone fragments; the Solomyansky area in the west (Solomyansky)A seven -storey non -residential building, as well as similar incidents in the roofs of a building of PECHERSKYI.

During the air strike of drones, the public is preparing to celebrate the 482nd anniversary of the founding of Kiev.Because of the war relationship, although this year also held a celebration event such as street markets, on -site concerts, it was small.Kiev has a population of about 3 million, and has been impacted since the war.

Before this wave of drone attacks, Maryer, deputy minister of the Ministry of Defense, said that the Russian army has slowed down its crackdown on the Bakhmut, Wudong's frontline city to reintegrate and enhance the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Ukraine Minister of Security: ready to counterattack in Bachimut

The Minister of National Security and Secretary -General of the National Defense Council Dannlov said that the Ukrainian army was ready to launch a big counterattack.He revealed to the Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) on Saturday (27th) that counterattack may begin within one week.

President Ukraine, President Bosalia, pointed out that the Ukraine has launched a preliminary operation to destroy the Russian supply line.

Russia last Saturday (20th) announced that it had completely captured Bachmut, but Ukrades insisted that Bachurut was not losing, and the Ukraine was still promoted to control in some areas.The Battle Battle is the longest and most bloody battle since the Russia and Ukraine Battle.

On the other hand, Russian President Putin ordered the enhanced border security on Sunday to ensure that the Russian and civil servants can quickly enter the Russian occupation zone in Ukraine.When he published the Russian border guards, he emphasized that the responsibilities of the border guards were "reliably protecting the border of military operations."

In recent weeks, the Ukraine has increased its attack density to Russia, mainly to send drone air strike border areas, and even penetrate into Russia.

The Ministry of Defense of Germany: Ukraine requires providing remote cruise missiles

On the other hand, a spokesman for the German Ministry of Defense revealed that Ukraine has received a request to hope that Germany will provide "Taurus" cruise missiles.This missile range is more than 500 kilometers. If Ukraine is equipped with this missile, it will have the ability to fight Moscow.

Ukraine is expected to obtain high defense and high-attack weapons provided by Western countries in the near future, such as F-16 fighters.However, the pilot who is familiar with this fighter said that the use of the F-16 fighter that was hailed by Ukraine that was enough to reverse the war may be limited and could only be used for defense or extremely high risk tasks;The most advanced radar system has a short range of missiles on the aircraft, which may be shot down by the Russian army.

According to the Russian Tasis, Russian Foreign Minister Ravorov said in an interview on Sunday that Western countries intending to provide F-16 fighters to Ukraine are "unacceptable" behaviors, which will lead to war upgrades.