(Seoul Road Diabang) Business satellite image shows that North Korea built hundreds of kilometers of boundary fences, fences and posts during the crown disease to tighten the flow of information and cargo, and avoid foreign elements.The people flee.

For North Koreans, the northern border is the way they get rare external information and trade opportunities, and the best choice to seek escape.However, as the crown disease has swept the world in 2020, Pyongyang blocked the border with China and Russia, cutting off the route of smuggles and defectors.

Reuters and Midelbury International Research Institute analyzed satellite images taken from different stages from 2019 to early 2023, as well as the description of seven defectors, activists and other people familiar with border activities, all explained thatIn recent years, Kim Jong -un has made large -scale transformations of the border in recent years.

A Rev. Kim named a South Korean who had helped North Koreans to defect and said: "The traditional North Korea -Chinese defecting route now does not actually exist, unless the situation has changed significantly."

Official data shows that only 67 rebels arrived in South Korea last year, far less than 1047 in 2019.However, the North Korean who used this -the defeated of the route began to decline before the big popularity, partly because China has strengthened restrictions.

Northern people, human rights activists, and sources participating in smuggling goods or personnel in China said that new security measures have stifled the economic lifeline of vulnerable groups, closed the way to escape from this autocracy, and further limited the Korean peopleGet the way to get external information.

Non -resident researcher Silbustein, a US think tank Stin Sheng Center, believes that the blockbuster border of North Korea may have a long -lasting impact, including the commercial class and towns of the Korean new students;It is a woman who provides a chance to be self -reliant.

Analysis: Strengthen the establishment of power to control the party members of the International Trade Defense Forces

Analysts point out that North Korea's control of official and unofficial international trade is to try to impact the impact on the army and other party members away from the central government to prevent them from establishing a power foundation and pose a threat to the leadership.

A report released by the United Nations North Korean human rights issue independent investigator Samon in March this year shows that as many as 80 % of North Koreans relied on the black market to obtain a necessity. Now these black market activities have been significantly reduced, which has led to the "endangered collapse of collapse."" ".

International experts said that the shortage of food in North Korea has deteriorated in recent months, partly because the border is closed.At the same time, since 2019, the remittance sent by the defectors to North Korea has decreased, but the request for remittances required by economic assistance have increased, which shows that the border closure not only makes remittances more difficult, but also stimulate economic assistance to economic assistance to economic assistanceDemand.