(French New Deda in Washington) The Presidential Election in the United States in 2024 may become the first election of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the United States.Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are expected to use AI for campaign and fundraising activities.

AI technology is low, the barriers to obtain are low, and the development is extremely rapid, and the efficiency is extremely high.Chat robot ChatGPT can generate a gorgeous campaign file in a few seconds.The campaign team has completed a few hours to complete the task of preparing for publicity activities, and AI can also be completed in a very short period of time.

However, technical experts warn that the current political climate of the United States is super polarized, coupled with many voters lost 2020 Election and other verified facts holds questions.AI further creates chaos and exacerbates the spread of false information.

Earlier this year, President Biden and Trump scolded each other AI generating videos have burst into fire on the Tiktok platform.In March, a photo of Trump was also rumored on the Internet that Trump was taken away by the police in New York.

immediately.A video generated by AI showed the absurd scene of the world after the wins of the wins, including the panic of Wall Street, the invasion of Taiwan in mainland China, and the immigration broke through the border level.

Bayeng's 2020 campaign team chief technology officer Wood emphasized that the current AI content is full of lies, and the United States must prepare for a larger fake information movement than 2016.

Faride, a professor at the School of Information at the University of California, said that AI can easily manipulate the media and can more easily deny reality.Presidential candidates may simply blame the audio fraud in improper words and deeds, which will be very dangerous.

Former President Obama's campaign team Digital Digital Hoover said that bad elements do nothing to achieve the goal, and naturally use AI, but he believes that people should not abandon the use of AI to create convenience for themselves.