President Lokashenko said that if any country wants to join the Alliance of Russia and White Ross, these countries can also obtain nuclear weapons like White Ross.

Reuters reported that Lukashenko made this in an exclusive interview broadcast on Sunday (May 28), Russia.

Russia last week Started the plan to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in the White Ross This is the first time that the Cremlin Palace has deployed such nuclear warheads outside Russia since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, causing concerns in the West.

The State Secretary of the National Security Council of the White Ross, Volfolvich, said earlier that Western countries have made Belos no choice but to deploy Russia's tactical nuclear weapons in the country.He also warned Western countries not to "cross the red line" in key strategic topics.

Lukashenko said in an interview that "must be understood from a strategic perspective" Minsk and Moscow show this unique opportunity for unity.

Lukashenko said: "Kazakhstan and other countries have a close relationship as us and the Russian Federation, but no one has objected."

"If someone is worried ... that's simple, join the White Rose and the Russian Alliance. Everyone can have nuclear weapons."

However, Lukashenko added that this is his personal view, not Russia's view.

Russia and White countries signed the establishment of the Treaty of the Russian and White Union on December 8, 1999, stipulating that the two countries established a country with the nature of the United States while maintaining their sovereignty, independence, and national system.On November 4, 2021, Putin and Lukashenko signed the implementation of the Alliance's national integration law at the video conference on the Supreme State Council of the Russia and White Alliance, and approved the integrated plan involving 28 industries in the two countries.