In 1941, the British battleship "Prince of Wales" and the "Revisible" underwater underwater under the seas of the Japanese army in the Sea of Paengdan, Malaya, for decades, have been illegally theft on the ship.A Chinese cargo ship was detained by Malaysian maritime law enforcement agencies for illegally salvage the cultural relics of the two warships.

Malaysian Maritime Law Enforcement Institutions, Johor, Johor, Nuruji, Mondu, Monday (May 29) issued a statement announcement that when law enforcement officers launched a routine patrol at noon on Sunday (28th), they found that this cargo ship registered in Fuzhou, China was found.With permission, it is parked in the seas of Danjung Lane, Johor.The official seized the cargo ship and 32 crew members on the ship, and found the shells who believed it was the shell during World War II.

Nuruchza revealed: "The detained crew included a maidic captain, and 21 Chinese citizens and 10 Bangladesh citizens. Their age is from 23 to 57 years." He said, marine law enforcement agenciesThe preliminary judgment was judged from the "Prince of Wales".The official will cooperate with the police and the State Administration of Cultural Relics to further confirm the year of the shells.

According to the Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) last Saturday (27th), the British Ministry of Defense condemned the "blasphemy" of the underground army tomb.The National Museum of Britain was worried about the two warships "deliberately destroyed to get private interests.

The Japanese army attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and three days later (December 10 of the same year) sank the "Prince of Wales" and "Revisible" in the sea outside the Kantan, which caused a total of 835 ships.The officials and soldiers were killed.After Britain, the wreckage of the two ships was the tomb of the underground army.The two British ships were not first salvaged. In November 2014, the Malaysian Navy also arrested 17 Vietnamese fishermen illegally salvaging the two British ships.

According to the British Daily Mail reported in August 2018, more than 12 flat -bottom ships from China and equipped with lifting equipment have been illegally salvaged in Indonesia and Malaysia to obtain high -quality steel in Indonesia and Malaysia.