Anonymous officials in the United States said that President Biden and the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy were close to a agreement to raise the upper limit of the US federal debt.

A U.S. official revealed to Reuters on Thursday (May 25) that the agreement between Biden and McCarthy's consultation, including raising the US government's debt limit of US $ 3.1.4 trillion (approximately S $ 425 trillion), andMost expenditure items set up the upper limit, but the expenditures of the army and veterans will enjoy exemption.

This proposed agreement will last two years, but the final version has not yet been finalized.

The unknown US official said that according to this agreement, the government will increase the expenditure that can be freely controlled by soldiers and veterans.

The official also said that the White House is also considering reducing tax increases to high -income people.Biden previously proposed to increase taxes for people who revenue more than $ 400,000 (about $ 540,000).

Another U.S. officials said that the funds of the State Taxation Bureau are unreasonable issues, but the key is to ensure the priority of the President of the Taxation Bureau.

The White House said that Biden and McCarthy's team held a video conference on Thursday.

The US Department of Finance reminded both parties on May 23, the United States debt violations imminent.The Minister of Finance Yellen showed that if the debt limit does not increase, it is "almost affirmed" in early June.Yellen also said that the Biden government did not prepare for possible US debt defaults. The current focus is still to increase the upper limit of debt and allow the government to pay the bills on time.