(Brussels Comprehensive) Russia has begun to transport nuclear weapons into Beros and cause international concern, worried that it might cause nuclear conflict.The European Union condemned Russia and Beros to reach this agreement that allowed the deployment of nuclear warheads.

The EU ’s senior representative of Foreign and Security Policy Burlei issued a statement on Friday (May 26) saying that this will lead to an extremely dangerous upgrade and say that Russia’ s decision has violated a number of international agreements.

Berrely also condemn Berlos as a "accomplice" that Russia has illegally and invaded Ukraine for no reason, warning Berlos to stop supporting Russia immediately, reverse any decision that may cause the situation to upgrade or destroy the sovereignty of White Ross, otherwise it willCauses the EU's strong response.

Ukraine refers to the Russian army to crack the Zaparo Nuclear Power Station to frustrate the Ukraine Counterattack

Ukraine refers to the Russian army planning to simulate a major nuclear power plant accident at the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station controlled by Moscow forces to defeat Ukraine's long -planned counterattack operations.

The Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense of Ukraine said on Friday that the Russian army soon shelled the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station, and then announced that the nuclear power plant had a radiation leak, which would force the international official investigation and all hostile operations will also be suspended.

In southern Ukraine, witnesses have stated that the Russian army has been excavating new trenches, buried land and assembly troops inside and surrounding areas in the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station in recent weeks. It is expected that a new round of counterattack will be launched locally.

Former Russian President Medvedev: The Russian and Ukraine War may last decades

On the other hand, the Vice Chairman of the Russian National Security Conference and former President Medvedev said on Friday that the Ukraine conflict may last decades, "this is a new reality."

He said that it was impossible to negotiate with the President of Ukraine Zeisky. Russia could not believe that any ceasefire agreement reached with the current rulers of Kiev, and the conflict would only erupt again.

Diplomats believe that Medvedev's remarks represent the cognition and thinking of the Cremlin executives.

Medvedev also warned that the West seriously underestimated the risk of nuclear war in Ukraine and stated that once Ukraine obtained nuclear weapons, Russia will launch a nuclear strike of a premium.

Graham, a US Republican senator visited by Kiev, pointed out that if the United States does not have in the United States, The Russian and Ukraine War provides sufficient support to Ukraine, which will send a signal to China, and Beijing can also get Taiwan.

Graham said after meeting with Zellezki on Friday that for Ukraine, such as the US-made F-16 fighter and long-range weapons.

Graham told reporters: "We cannot withdraw help with Ukraine ... The best way to protect Taiwan and maintain world order is to let (Russian President) lose this war."