(Washington Composite Electric) According to reports, US President Biden and the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy approached an agreement and agreed to raise the debt up.

The Chairman of the House of Republican Research Committee, Herne, told Reuters on Thursday (May 25) that the two parties may reach an agreement on Friday (26th)."We are closer to reaching an agreement. As far as I know, they are currently discussing some details."

After the House of Representatives performed a voting on Thursday morning, it would be closed for 10 days due to the anniversary of the death soldiers, and it would not be resumed until June 5.However, if an agreement can be reached with the White House, members of the House of Representatives will be recalled, reviewing the agreement within 72 hours, and then voting.

Anonymous official: The upper limit of the debt will be adjusted by two years

If the agreement really reaches on Friday, the House of Representatives may vote on Tuesday (30th); the Senate will also follow up quickly, and strive to send the relevant bill to Biden's desk by June 1.Essence

An anonymous official in the United States also disclosed to Reuters on Thursday that Biden and McCarthy are about to reach an agreement, and they will increase their debt up to two years.According to reports, the agreement that is being negotiated includes the upper limit of the federal government debt of 314 million US dollars (about $ 425 billion), and there is a limit on most expenditure budgets.Exemption.The White House also considers the increase in tax increases to high -income people. Bynden previously claimed to increase taxes for more than $ 400,000. . .

Biden and McCarthy shrank from more than $ 1 trillion to $ 70 billion

Another source of negotiations said that the total government expenditure involved in the agreement was far more than $ 1 trillion, and the parts involved in the differences between the two parties have been reduced to $ 70 billion.They also revealed that the final agreement will only indicate that the government can freely control the total expenditure on housing and education, without subdivided categories.

The U.S. Treasury has repeatedly warned that debt defaults may appear on June 1, so time is very urgent.Biden and McCarthy's team continued to negotiate day and night in the past few days.After they held a video conference on Thursday, Biden told reporters that the two sides still had differences about the expenditures of the two sides.He once again emphasized: "All burdens should not be allowed to fall on the middle class and the working class."

McCarthy said to the media that the two sides have not yet reached an agreement."We all know this is not easy."

There is not much time to avoid debt defaults to the United States Club

It is unclear how much time to allow Congress to take action to avoid debt defaults.According to the US Ministry of Finance, as of Wednesday (24th), the government's cash balance has fallen to $ 49.5 billion, the lowest level since 2021.

Goldberg, a interest rate strategist of Daoming Securities Company, said in an interview with Bloomberg: "This shows how close to us is now. Although some people in the Congress questioned the algorithm of the Ministry of Finance, I think the cash of the Ministry of Finance thinks about the cash of the Ministry of FinanceThe balance has explained everything ... Frankly speaking, the current time is borrowed. "

If the government is unable to pay various bills, in addition to the impact of the national economy, national security may also be affected.Miri, chairman of the joint meeting of the United States Chiefs of Staff, warned that government debt defaults will have a negative impact on the preparation and morale of the US military."We may slow down in the large -scale military exercises of various training centers, and even stop in many and many aspects."

However, any agreement must be approved by the Republican House of Representatives and the Senate -controlled Senate controlled by the Democratic Party, which makes the situation very difficult.