(Washington Composite Electric) Western intelligence agencies and Microsoft companies said that a Chinese hacker organization that has been funded by the state has continued to monitor the extensive key infrastructure of US telecommunications and transportation hubs.

However, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning should refute the report at a regular press conference held in Beijing on Thursday (May 25).The collective false information action adopted by the Eye Alliance ... The United States is the hacker empire. "

Microsoft (Microsoft) pointed out in a report published on Wednesday (24th) that the hacker organization also locked the target in Guam, where the main US military facilities are located.

There is an unknown code in the communication system of Guam and some regions of the United States

According to the New York Times, American intelligence agencies discovered unknown computer code in the communication systems in Guam and parts of the United States in February this year.

The New York Times analyzed that Guam is an important military base in Asia in Asia, and it is also a key place to respond to any potential conflict in the Asia -Pacific region, which has significant geography and military strategic significance in the United States.If Guan Island's communication capacity is blocked, it may be severely affected that the United States responds to Taiwan Strait crisis .

Analysts pointed out that this is one of the largest Chinese cyber spy activities that are currently known for key infrastructure for the United States.The Chinese Embassy in Washington did not respond.

It is unclear how many institutions are affected by this hacker incident, but the National Security Agency is in cooperation between Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and British partnerships to confirm the invasion of hackers.These four countries say they may also be hackers' attack targets.

China Hacker Organization "Volt Typhoon" long -term execution of espionage

Microsoft pointed out in the report that the hacker organization, which is called "Volt Typhoon", is located in China and has been funded by the Chinese government. Since its operation in mid -2021Key infrastructure involves multiple industries such as communication, power, information technology, maritime and transportation.

Microsoft warns that "Volt Typhoon" mainly conducts intelligence collection and spy activities in order to destroy key communication infrastructure between the United States and Asia during the crisis in the future.However, there is no evidence that the hacker organization has launched any destructive attack.

Microsoft said that "Volt Typhoon" invaded by installing the malware code "Web Shell". Sometimes it was carried out through home routers and other common Internet consumption equipment, so it was more difficult to discover.According to Microsoft's analysis, this hacker organization hopes that without detecting, "performs espionage as much as possible and maintain access permissions."

Microsoft announced the detailed information of malicious code, calling on the victims to test and delete.

According to the New York Times, the US intelligence agency discovered the hacker invasion in February this year.At the same time, The United States has accused Chinese balloons flying over the United States for collection of Chinese intelligence.

The Director of the US Network Security and Infrastructure Security Bureau, Eastley, said: "Over the years, China has been conducting radical network operations to steal intellectual property and sensitive data from organizations around the world."

Canadian network security agencies say that there is no report on Canada's hacking attacks, but because many infrastructure construction in Western countries is closely linked, network attacks on single countries are likely to affect other countries.The United Kingdom also warns that Chinese hackers can apply for the world's use of American networks.