(Washington Composite Electric) The United States emphasized that China ’s procurement restrictions adopted by Micron Technology will not destroy their efforts to improve Sino -US relations.The White House spokesman Cerby said Washington has also been in contact with Beijing.

Kobe on Wednesday (May 24) pointed out to reporters that the Chinese government's recent discrimination of the US chip manufacturer Micron Technology (Micron) has obviously to destroy the Seven Kingdoms Group (G7) against economic coercion .One day after the G7 issued a statement for the first time, China issued a ban on Micron.

Cerbin emphasized that Washington "do not watch the sleeves when seeing China's improper behavior."But he said: "This does not mean that it should be, or it is about to be, or it is being destroyed.= NOFOLLOW TARGET = _ _blank> President Bayeng's efforts to restart communication channels . "He expects the Micron's dispute will not destroy the White House's efforts to establish a more effective relationship with China.He said that Sino -US relations "is a complex relationship, and there will be ups and downs."

Kobe said that ensuring that communication channels are "more open" is more important than ever.The White House will continue to work hard to promote Secretary of State Brills, Minister of Finance Yellen, and the Minister of Commerce Raymond.

He said: "We will try to strive for more effective contact in the next few months." He added that President Biden refers to some "potential hope" contacts and discussions with Beijing.He also revealed that the Ministry of National Defense hopes that the Minister of Defense Austin will go to Singapore in Singapore to attend Shangri -La dialogue , can meet Li Shangfu, the Minister of Defense of China.

Responsible for the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Chinese Affairs, Hua Ziqiang, then stepped down at the end of June

As Sino -US relations fall into tension, Rick Waters, deputy assistant Secretary of State, who is responsible for Chinese affairs, announced at a working meeting on Wednesday that it is planned to step off at the end of June.Hua Ziqiang is the person in charge of the State Council's newly established "China Affairs Coordination Office".

The "Chinese group" consisting of about 65 people replaces the "China", and the personnel have been doubled.In addition to leading the "China Group", Hua Ziqiang has been the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in charge of China and Taiwan's affairs since June 2021.Although he no longer leads the "Chinese group", he will still engage in diplomatic work.

Recently, several U.S. officials who have dealt with China have resigned, including Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman and the White House National Security Conference China and Taiwan Affairs senior director Laura Rosenberger.The 73 -year -old Serman is responsible for leading a number of policies to China, and she announced her retirement on the 12th of this month.The previously left Rosen Berg will lead the non -profit organization operated by the US government, which is responsible for managing the US -official affairs of the United States.

At the same time, the newly established US -China Strategic Competition Special Committee approved two reports on Wednesday, the US House of Representatives. It is recommended that Beijing counterattacked the treatment of Uyghur and other ethnic minorities and sought conflict between China and Taiwan.

The committee hopes that some suggestions made by the report can become laws this year.The chairman of the committee Mike Gallagher said it hopes to use this to send a cross -party message, that is, the US Congress will oppose racial extinction, which is the worst crime of all crimes.The Human Rights Organization had previously accused Beijing of violating infringement, including forced labor, and sent more than one million Uyghur people into a detention camp in Xinjiang.