(Doha / Cairo Composite Electric) The National Alliance of the Arabian National Alliance decided to restore the qualifications of Syria's members of the Angle League in 2011.This marks a wider geopolitical change in the Middle East, and the influence of the United States in the Middle East is weakened.

Ang League Sunday (May 7) held a meeting of Foreign Minister in Cairo, Egypt, agreed to return to the Angle League, and also called for a series of crisis caused by the Syrian civil war, including refugee and regional drug smuggling.

The Secretary -General of the Arab League, Gat, emphasized that the regaining status of Syria's status of the Arab League does not represent the normalization of the Arab country and the Syrian government relations. Members should decide whether to restore the relationship with Syria.

Qatar shows that his position has not changed. The decision to restore normal relations with Syria must be linked to the political process of "realizing the wishes of the Syrian Syrian people." President Assad's government must take positive measures to solve the problem of domestic people.

According to UN estimates, since the outbreak of the Syria's civil war, hundreds of thousands have died, and more than 14 million people leave their hometowns and exile in their territory or fled to other countries.

Angle League suspended the qualifications of Syrian member states in November 2011. Many Arab countries closed the Embassy in Syria. Assad was resisted and isolated in the Arab world for a long time. Some Arab countries even assisted in anti -government armed organizations andAssad's government forces combat.

However, with the evolution of the domestic and regional situation in recent years, the relationship between the Syrian government and the Arab world has gradually thawed.Through its own regional influence, Saudi Arabia has promoted the relationship between other Arab countries and Syria to develop normally.

Today, Syria returns to the Arab League to create conditions for the Arab world and Syrian communication.Syrian officials welcomed them and called on member states to respect each other and promote cooperation with each other.

Analysis believes that the Angeles's move reflects that it is experiencing a wider political change in the Middle East and also reflects the influence of the United States in the Middle East.

After the US civil war broke out in the Syrian war, it imposed strong sanctions on Syria.The US official Sunday stated that when the Syrian did not return to the Arab League, emphasizing the consistent goal of the United States and Arab partners, they hoped to establish security and stability in Syria, but beauty questioned Assad's willingness to resolve the crisis.Essence

U.S. Secretary of State Brills reiterated on Friday (5th) that the United States continued to oppose normalization with Syria and urged to replace Assad through elections to achieve a peaceful transition.

Russia welcomes Syria to return to the "Arabic family".

Bloomberg posted that the process of returning to the Angeles of the Angels means that the American allies are becoming more willing to open up their own political path and establish a stronger strategic relationship with the American opponents.Political analysts Barham believes that the efforts of the United States to rush to step down have failed, and the political elites in the United States should give up to promote the change of the Syrian regime.