The British Financial Times stated that the European Union plans to support Russia's manufacturing weapons to invest in Chinese companies in the Russia and Ukraine War adopt sanctions.

This is Russia has invaded Ukraine for more than a year, BrucellFor the first time, the material will exacerbate the tension between the European Union and China.

The Financial Times Sunday (May 7) reported that EU member states will discuss a new package sanction plan this week, and seven Chinese companies that can be sold to Russia for weapon equipment are included in the sanctions list.

Several Chinese companies have been sanctioned by the United States.As China and the United States compete for global influence, Beijing is trying to prevent Brussels from standing in Washington, and the EU's sanctions are expected to anger China.

So far, Brussels has always argued that there is no evidence that Beijing directly provides weapons to Moscow.

Reports referring to China ’s Trirates Semiconductors (3HC Semiconductors) and King-Pai Technology (King-Pai Technology) appeared on the sanctions list of Brussels.The two Chinese companies have been sanctioned by the United States.

Five companies headquartered in Hong Kong are also included in the new sanctions list, including SINNO Electronics and Sigma TECHNOLOGY, SINNO Electronics, sanctions.

The report quoted the Sanctions proposal of the European Commission, saying that "the key promotion of the electronic components of the Russian military and industrial consortia in the Ukrainian aggression war, some third -country entities that can avoid trade restrictions, as well as participating in Russia's military and industrySpecific Russian entities that are developed, produced and supplied by composite electronic components are included in the sanctions list. "

EU's new sanctions list In addition to seven Chinese companies, it also includes two Arab chiefs and an Armenian company.The list of new sanctions must be unanimously passed by 27 EU countries.