South Korea and Japan's heads have been negotiated for two months for two months, marking the "shuttle diplomacy" of mutual visits between leaders of the two countries restarted.Analysts pointed out that the rapid recovery of bilateral relations between South Korea and Japan is the diplomatic victory of the Bayeng government in the United States. Washington needs Japan and South Korea to unite to deal with North Korea and contain China.

However, as South Korea, the United States and Japan are closer to all aspects, how to manage the rebound of the three parties to China and Russia in the future will become a major test of the South Korean government.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshinea, Sunday (May 7), arrived at Seoul at noon, and went to the National Dianzhong Institute in Korea, where the soul souls of South Korean patriots, national contributors, military police and other martyrs.

After that, Yin Xiyue and Kishida held talks at the President's Office of Longshan, Seoul.The two sides talked about an hour and 42 minutes, and then held a joint press conference.

Kishida mentioned the 1998 Declaration of Japan and South Korea, saying that Japan's "government's position will not shake in the future."The declaration states that Japan deeply apologized and sincere apology from South Korean colonial rule.

Kishida emphasized, "I am very sad to bring very painful and sad memories to many people in the severe environment at that time."He said that in the future, cooperation with South Korea is his duties as a Japanese Prime Minister.

The South Korean government's solution to the problem of the original labor litigation issues, Kishida stated that "many people have not forgotten the painful memory of the past, but at the same time open up the future, this moves me very much."

Given that North Korea has launched ballistic missiles many times, Japan and South Korea have reached consensus, and they must strengthen deterrence and response capabilities.

Yin Xiyue said: "South Korea and Japan agree that the development of North Korean nuclear missiles has a serious threat to peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula and Japan and even the world.We communicate closely on this issue. "

He also said that when South Korean, American and Japanese leaders held talks in November 2022, they agreed to share the North Korean missile early warning information in real time.He welcomes the two governments to discuss the implementation plan, and will continue to carry out South Korean, American and Japanese security cooperation in the future.

Japan and South Korea jointly study the cutting -edge technologies such as the universe quantum AI

In addition, Yin Xiyue also added that although the Washington Declaration issued by South Korea and the United States in April, although it was reached on the bilateral relations of South Korea and the United States, it did not exclude Japan's participation.

Kishida responded that, including the newly established Han and American Nuclear Consultation Group (NCG), it is discussing the plan for strengthening Han and the United States to extend the deterrence.He believes that the cooperation between Japan, the United States, Japan, South Korea, and the United States will continue.

In the economic field, the two sides have decided to jointly study cutting -edge science and technology such as the universe, quantum, and AI, and strengthen the supply chain including semiconductors.

The Hanpai expert group inspects Fukushima nuclear pollution water treatment

In response to the treatment of nuclear pollution water at the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Station, Yin Xiyue revealed at a press conference that South Korea and Japan reached an agreement that asked the South Korean expert group to inspect the scene.

In this regard, Kishida emphasized that as a Japanese Prime Minister, he would not recognize the discharge form of negative impacts to the national health and marine environment of the nationals and the Korean national health.

It is reported that South Korea will send inspection teams to inspect the nuclear pollution water in the Fukushima first nuclear power plant nuclear pollution water project within this month.

For Kishida's talks about the past Japanese and South Korean relations, some Korean experts pointed out that although Kishida said "personal ideas", considering South Korea and Japanese public opinion, this is already the most sincere statement that Japanese prime ministers can convey.

Li Yuande, a professor at the Department of Japan, a Japanese University of Korea, said: "Kishida made such a speech on the victims of being forced to be recruited. It can be considered that the Japanese government's attitude towards South Korea has improved."

Some analysts pointed out that Kishida returned to South Korea in advance to convey to the United States that "Japan strives to improve South Korea -Japan relations" and fully cooperate with the implementation of the Indo -Pacific strategy led by the United States.

South Korea's SBS TV news analysis, when Yin Xiyue met with Biden in Washington 10 days ago, he emphasized that "Korea and the United States are a country with democratic value"; at the Korean -Japan summit talks, he also made a similar speech.Now, the Yin Xiyue government has advertised "value -based" diplomacy, and it is expected that South Korea, America and Japan will be closer to all aspects.At the Summit of the Seventh -way Group, it is expected that the Korean and American and Japan will send information directly or indirectly to North China and Russia. How to manage their rebound in the future will be a challenge facing South Korean diplomacy.