(Washington Comprehensive) The Democratic Party of the United States Senate announced a plan to fight against China ’s increasing influence, hoping to strengthen the ability of the United States to fight against China in terms of science and technology, security and Taiwan.

Senate Democratic leader Shu Mo and 11 Democratic Senate Committee chairman held at a press conference held on Wednesday (May 3) that they plan to draft a bill with Republican MPs in the next few months, which will involve five of the five.In this area, including restricting advanced technology flowing to China, tightening US capital inflows into Chinese companies, focusing on new investment in key technologies in the United States, creating a foreign aid plan for alternatives, confrontation with China's "Belt and Road" initiative, and preventing itMainland China provides conflicts with Taiwan or other regional allies.

Shu Mo said that the China Competitive Act 2.0 was an extension of chips and scientific law passed last year.He hopes that the bill can be supported by cross -party faction, saying that the Senate Republicans support some suggestions in the bill.

As the Republican Party controls the House of Representatives, the bill requires the support of the Republican to become a law.

In the long -term division of US Congress, it is one of the few two parties consensus for China.The chip method passed last year was almost fully supported by democracy and Republican members.The law aims to strengthen the competition between the United States and China in semiconductors and other technological fields.

Shu Mo: Research Export Control Restrictions Beijing to acquire the results of the United States innovation

Schu Mo said when introducing the efforts of new legislation, saying that parliamentarians will study export control and sanctions to restrict the innovative achievements of Beijing's acquisition and "even stealing" the United States in artificial intelligence, quantum computing and other advanced technologies.He said that the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce will receive new authorizations to review and prevent capital from flowing to China.

Members will also focus on helping American small companies, cultivating the "future" of the United States, and procedures for strengthening the impact of foreign investment on national security.

In response to China's "Belt and Road" plan, Shu Mo said that the United States and allies have prepared to cooperate to provide the sources of infrastructure financing for alternatives, so that "those countries that seeks help can really benefit."

As for the Taiwan issue, Shu Mo did not provide specific details. It only said that the plan will be based on the two -party proposal of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.The committee approved the four -year defense of Taiwan ’s defense of 4.5 billion US dollars last year and confirmed that Biden had the right to sanction in mainland Chinese officials and financial institutions in Taiwan.

Shu Mo urged the Republican Party to cooperate with the Democratic Party to formulate a bill in the next few months to achieve the goal of Wednesday.

He said: "Time is not on our side. China is trying to catch up and surpass the United States every day. There is no reason for the two parties of the parliament to come together and send strong information to the Chinese government, that is, we unite to deal with this urgent.National security issues, we are also committed to maintaining the leading position of the United States in the future. "

However, the Republican Person No. 2 in the Senate believes that in view of the Republican Party's expenditure and debt, and the concerns of the size of the chip method passed last year, the new Chinese initiative will be difficult to pass in Congress.

He said: "This will be full of challenges, partly because of expenditure and debt -worrying about excessive expenditure and its impact on inflation, as well as the way of deficit surge and swelling."