(Tokyo News) The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) considers that in the upcoming joint bulletin, China is required to "take responsible actions" for the first time to seek cooperation with China in a series of security and economic issues.

G7 leaders will meet in Hiroshima, Japan from 19th to 21st this month. Unlike the communiqué last year, this year's communiqué is expected to include parts specifically for China.

Nikkei News reported that this statement will urge Beijing to help rebuild the international order shaken by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. At the same time, it will warn China not to use economic coercion or unilaterally changing the status quo by force.

Reports pointed out that the joint statement issued by Foreign Minister G7 after the meeting last month also called on China to take responsible actions.The leader's joint bulletin also issues a similar appeal. It may be that hoping that higher -level diplomatic occasions will make the warning more effective.

It is expected that the leader's statement will also reiterate the expression of China's actions in China in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait region, and the Japanese -managed islands managed by Japan.

It is expected that the statement will also mention economic security issues. For example, China is suspected of stealing military -civilian dual -use technology, including technology related to artificial intelligence.

While adopting a tough position on security issues, the G7 will propose cooperation with China on issues such as economic and climate change.China is the world's second largest economy and one of the largest trading partners of G7.