South Korean President Yin Xiyue gave a speech in the US Congress, emphasizing that South Korea, the United States, and Japan need to accelerate the three -sided cooperation to fight against the gradually enhanced North Korean nuclear threat. South Korea and the United States will also play the role of "compass" to protect global freedom.South Korea's public opinion pointed out that although the results of the Korean -American summit have not reached expectations, the South Korean President gave a speech again in the US Congress after a lapse of 10 years, showing the close relationship between the two countries.

Yin Xiyue on Thursday (April 27th) at the joint meeting of the two courts of the United States Congress, based on the free alliance, the action of the action of the action, delivered a 43 -minute English speech, and won 56 applause on the spot. Among them, of which23 times were applauding the audience, and some members cheered.

Yin Xiyue said: "With confidence in freedom, trust in the alliance, and determination to open a new future, stand in front of the American nationals ... False incitement and false information from all over the world distort the truth and public opinion, threatening democracyDivision. South Korea will play with the United States to play the "compass" role to protect global freedom. "

"Freedom" is the core keyword of Yin Xiyue's speech.In the past, he always emphasized "freedom", and this time he mentioned "freedom" 46 times in his speech.

He also paid tribute to the United States' sacrifice during the Korean War from 1950 to 1953, and the 19th century American missionaries in South Korea to promote the improvement of women's situations.

In terms of economy, Yin Xiyue said: "In the past, South Korea was a country supported by the United States. Now South Korea has developed into a partner of the United States, contributing to creating a job and working for the economy."

When he mentioned the Samsung Electronics Semiconductor Factory in Austin, Texas, and a modern automotive factory in Brene County, Georgia, members of the relevant areas got up to respond and applauded the audience.

In response to the North Korean issue, Yin Xiyue said: "As the late American President Reagan said, we must clearly tell North Korea that" We have an unbearable behavior, there are absolutely red lines'.Agreement. In response to the worsening Nuclear threat, in addition to the cooperation between South Korea and the United States, the security cooperation between South Korea, America, Japan, and three must also speed up. "

He said: "Last year, I proposed 'bold ideas'. If North Korea stops nuclear development and turns to the substantial nuclearization process, South Korea will erect to improve North Korea's people's livelihood and economy.On the right path. "

Yin Xiyue also showed his humor to the American lawmakers, causing laughter at the scene.He said: "Although BTS (BTS) went to the White House first than me, but fortunately, Congress came first."

The Yonhap News Agency reported that his humor was improvised and was not in the pre -distribution speech.

South Korea ’s President’ s Office said that Yin Xiyue referred to the experience of former President Kim Dazhong and chose to speak in English.Yin Xiyue said when preparing an English speech that the speech should be easy to understand, "the words that junior high school graduates can also understand."Jin Dazhong delivered English speeches in the U.S. Congress in 1998 and received high evaluation of the United States.

Yin Xiyue's English speech surprised South Korean public opinion: "English speech seems more convincing than Korean" "I have no experience in studying abroad, but I can also make English speeches humorously, and I am really proud."

Yin Xiyue is the seventh Korean leader who has always spoke in the U.S. Congress.