(Riyadh Comprehensive News) Saudi Arabia Arabia agreed to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as one of the dialogue partners, which is the latest sign of more close political relations with China.

According to the Saudi National News Agency (SPA), the King of Saudi Salman hosted a cabinet meeting on the same day and approved the decision at the meeting.

Reuters quoted sources as saying that while Chinese officials visited Saudi Arabia last December, they discussed with Saudi Arabia to discuss the problem of joining the SCO.Getting the SCO dialogue partner status will be the first step in Saudi Arabia's official joining the SCO.

The SCO Organization was established in Shanghai in 2001 and is a political, economic, and security organization that compete with Western institutions.In addition to China, eight members of the SCO include India, Pakistan and Russia, as well as four Central Asian countries -Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tagikistan.

In addition, the SCO has four observer states, including Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia.After the latest joining Saudi Arabia, the SCO has nine dialogue partners, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Egypt, Cambodia, Qatar, Nepal, Turkey, and Sri Lanka.

Show Zhongsha's connection is increasingly close

This time Saudi Arabia joined the SCO with a dialogue partner, which means that the connection between Saudi Arabia and China is increasingly close.On March 10, under the mediation in China, Saudi Arabia, which is regarded as an enemy of the Middle East, restored diplomatic relations with Iran.

Chinese official on March 28 with Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed said that the current Sino -Saudi relations are currently in the best period of history.

Before making this decision in Saudi Arabia, the National Petroleum Corporation (Saudi Arabia) announced on March 26 that the two major projects in China will spend $ 12.2 billion (S $ 16.2 billion) and two Chinese -funded enterprises in the two Chinese -funded enterprises.Liaoning Panjin City has established a joint venture and built a large -scale co -device of 300,000 barrels of Nissan in Northeast China.

On March 27, Saudi Arabia announced that it had signed an agreement to acquire 10%of China's Rongsheng Petrochemical shares for RMB 24.6 billion (S $ 4.7 billion).

Sources said that the SCO member country plans to hold a joint "counter -terrorism exercise" in the Rylobinsk area in Russia in August this year.