(Washington Composite Electric) The Bayeon government in the United States is increasingly worried about Russia's support for highly concentrated uranium to support China's development of nuclear weapons.

Bloomberg quoted the data newspaper of the British think tank that Russia exported a large number of highly concentrated uranium to China from September to December last year. It is said to be fuel for a Fast-Breeder Reactor in Fujian Province, China.The reactor is expected to start operation this year.

Pram, assistant minister of the US Department of Defense, who is responsible for space and nuclear policies, said earlier this month that Sino -Russian cooperation is disturbing, and that concentrated uranium provided by Russia may help China expand the nuclear arsenal.

Anonymous officials in the United States pointed out that the United States has rarely made any progress in dialogue with China on nuclear issues. He called on Beijing to improve the transparency of the nuclear plan.

Morris, a senior researcher of the Asian Association Policy Research Institute of the Asian Association of China for a long time, emphasized that the problem of transferring and concentrated uranium to China to China cannot be ignored, which highlights the close relationship between China and Russia in the field of military and nuclear weapons.

He Ruien, a senior researcher at the Brucks Society, believes that if China and Russia continue to strengthen cooperation, Moscow may support China to enter the North Pole, or let Beijing enter Russia's military bases in other regions, or even develop or share advanced and deeper in submarines.Cooperation in hierarchical intelligence.

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, said at a regular press conference on Thursday (March 23) that China and Russia carried out normal civil nuclear energy cooperation under the framework of international obligations and bilateral government agreements that met their respective international obligations and bilateral government agreements.This is "very normal and irresponsible."