People familiar with the matter revealed that the US White House national security adviser Sha Liven and the highest diplomat in China, Wang Yi, called.

Bloomberg Society quoted people familiar with the matter on Tuesday (March 28) that Shalvin talked with Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China last Friday (24th).

The current US -China relations are highly tight, and Taiwan Cai Yingwen visited the American AIA Guatemala and Belize on Wednesday (29th) to transit the United States New York and Los Angeles.

The United States and China did not announce the call of Shalvin and Wang Yi, and the White House and the Chinese embassy in the United States did not immediately respond to Bloomberg reports.

Bloomberg recently said that U.S. officials now expect that President Biden and Chinese official calls will not happen as soon as they expect.After being required to be an unknown official, he confirmed to Bloomberg and Wang Yitong.