(Kiev comprehensive) The European Union warned Berlos that if Russia deployed nuclear weapons in the country, it would be further sanctioned by the European Union; NATO and the United States also condemned Russia.But the Kremlin counterattack stated that Western condemnation would not change Russia's decision to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in White Ross.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov Monday (March 27) said: "Of course, this reaction will not affect Russia's plan."

The Secretary of the Russian Federal Security Conference, Patrushev, received a warning of Russia's Russian Daily (Rossiiskaya Gazeta) on Monday that Russia has a weapon that can destroy any enemy including the United States, including Russia's survival.

Patrusev also refers to the participants of the Russian -Ukraine conflict.He said: "They turned Ukraine into a major military camp. They transported weapons and ammunition to the Ukraine forces and provided them with information."

Russian President Putin announced on Saturday when it was interviewed by a state -owned television station last Saturday that it had agreed with President White and deployed tactical nuclear weapons in White Ross.

The senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy Berrely said on Sunday (March 26) that Beros allows Russia to deploy nuclear weapons in the country to be irresponsible, which will lead to the upgrading of European and Russia.threaten.He was tweeted and said: "Bloss may still stop, this is their choice. The European Union is ready to respond to further sanctions."

Lithuania also called for new sanctions to the Russia and Belarus.The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Sunday: "Lithuania will decide with European -Atlantic partners, how to deal with these militarist plans of the Russian and White Ross regime. The increasingly losing sovereignty is supporting and assisting Russia's aggression, and increasingly integrates into RussiaIn the military plan, this is an additional risk factor facing the Baltic Sea area. "

NATO spokesman Lenjes Cuku criticized on Sunday that Russia's nuclear remarks were "dangerous and irresponsible".

The United States: There is no sign showing that Putin has transferred any nuclear weapons

In response to Putin's promise of not violating Russia's non -proliferation nuclear weapons, and comparing this approach with the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in the United States in the United States, Lenjes Kuju said: "The so -called NATO nuclear sharing in Russia is very misleading.In the NATO allies, they fully respect their international commitments when taking action. Russia continues to violate its military control commitment. "

She pointed out that NATO is maintaining a vigilance and close attention to the development of the situation, but she has not seen any changes in the Russian nuclear situation that will make NATO adjustment.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe also said that the United States is monitoring Russia's trends every day, and no changes in the US adjustment of strategic deterrent situation have not been found so far.He said in an interview with the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) on Sunday: "We have not seen any signs show that Putin has arbitrarily argued what he claimed or transferred any nuclear weapons."

Kobe said that there are no signs at present, Putin is ready to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Tactical nuclear weapons aims to destroy enemy targets in a specific area. Generally speaking, the volume and power are small and the projection distance is relatively short.Strategic nuclear weapons are larger and can be launched from a farther distance, which is enough to destroy the entire city.

If it is deployed in Beros, Russia's nuclear weapons will be closer to Ukraine and NATO member states, increasing the risk of Russia -Ukraine's conflict upgrade.In addition to bordering Russia and Ukraine, White Ross is also a neighbor of NATO member states Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has accused Russia of violating international obligations, destroying the "nuclear disarmament structure and international security system", and asked the UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting on the matter.Ukraine also urged the international community to tell the Putin regime that its core provocation is absolutely unacceptable.

South China Morning Post analysis pointed out that Putin's move will not only exacerbate the confrontation between Russia and the West, but also affect China's promotion and efforts.

China and Russia issued a joint statement issued on March 22 that "all nuclear weapons countries should not deploy nuclear weapons overseas," Putin now announced that it would deploy nuclear weapons in Beroos.In this regard, Zhou Chenming, a researcher at Beijing Military Science "Far -Wangwang Think Tank", believes: "China will definitely continue to work hard to promote negotiations, but Putin obviously wants to get more chips before that."