Blinden said at the hearing of the US Senate Delivery Group that if Russia is allowed to attack neighboring countries without being punished, this will "open the Pandora box" to other invaders and produce a one.Conflicting world.

(Washington Composite Electric) The Russian and Ukraine War had a profound impact on Asia. US Secretary of State Brills said that China is observing the response to the United States and the world to the invasion of Ukraine in Russia and learn from it; he also said that China has so farHe did not cross the boundaries to provide fatal aid to Moscow.

Bringscan said on Wednesday (March 22) at a hearing at the US Senate Delivery Group Committee that if Russia is allowed to attack neighboring countries without being punished, this will "open the Pandora box" to other invaders and produce a fullThe world of conflict.

He said: "The interests of the Ukrainian war are not limited to Ukraine ... I think this has a profound impact on Asia."

After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Japan and South Korea have always been an important supporter of Ukraine.On Tuesday, on Tuesday, when Moscow and Russian President Putin were held in a formal talks, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida visited Kiev and met with Ukraine President Zelegski.

Brinken also said that there is no sign that China is already providing weapons for Russia."As of today, we have not seen them cross this boundary."

This is the first in the four Congress hearing to attend this week.He also attended a hearing of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday afternoon.

In response to how the Russian and U -iter War influenced the military thinking of Mainland China on Taiwan, Brincken told the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee: "I think if China is studying this -they are observing it very carefully, they willLearn from it to understand how the world will be united and resist this kind of aggression. "

He also agrees with the assessment of the CIA, that is, by 2027, China will be able to attack Taiwan.

Chinese officials and Putin met each other's "dear friends" and discussed the peace plan proposed by China earlier.Brinken said that Sino -Russian relations are "right marriage", and Russia is the weaker party in this relationship.

China provides political material to Obelins: harm the interests of the United States

He said that China's politics and material support for Russia supported the interests of Washington, and said that China is trying to replace the international order led by the United States with a "unwilling" vision."I'm not sure that Russia or Putin really wants to establish a world order. What he sought may be more like a world confusion."

The US Biden Government has proposed an increase in budget to the State Department and the US International Development Agency (USAID). The budget requested by the State Department's 2024 fiscal year was US $ 63 billion (about S $ 83.57 billion).

Brinken emphasized that the State Council needs to obtain all budgets to respond to "direct and serious threats of Russian dictatorship and aggression" and long -term challenges from China.

This budget will ensure that the United States can continue to provide Ukraine with security, economy, energy and humanity assistance, as well as new innovative investment designed to cope with Chinese competition, covering maritime safety, disease monitoring, clean energy infrastructure, digital technology, etc.field.

He said: "We are at an inflection point. The post -Cold War is over, and a fierce competition that shaped and determines the future is happening."

However, Senator believes that this budget requirement is difficult to obtain the House of Representatives, especially the Republican Party controlled by Congress.

Brinken also diluted the role of China in the recurrence of China in Iran and Saudi Arabia, saying that China only used the efforts of other countries to host the final finalization agreement.

He also urged all member states of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to comply with the court's arrest warrant to Putin.The United States is not a member of ICC. Putin's last visit to the United States was a matter of 2015.