(Washington Composite Electric) Due to the continued tension of Sino -US relations, U.S. officials now expect that Chinese officials will not talk to the US President Biden as soon as they expect.

U.S. officials said earlier that Chinese officials will talk to Biden shortly after the closing of the 14th National People's Congress in China on March 13, but Bloomberg has quoted the insider who requested anonymous to say that Beijing has not yet been right.Washington asked the two to make a response.

People familiar with the matter said that the United States now estimates that before Tsai Ing -wen in Taiwan in early April, Sino -US leaders will not call the phone.Chinese officials have passed the transit of Tsai Ing -wen and may meet with the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy.

The delay of calling between the leaders of the two countries reflects the relationship between the relationship between the two parties because of its tougher series in recent months.

In response to the estimation of call time, the White House National Security Council spokesman Watson responded: "That is just an anonymous official speculation."She said: "The two leaders will call on the phone at a certain time in the next few weeks, but we have no specific arrangement to announce it."

officials of the two countries have been postponed

The meeting of officials between the two countries has also been postponed.After the United States shot down a Chinese balloon over the waters near the South Carolina on February 4, the Minister of Defense Austin asked Wei Feng and the Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Defense Wei Feng and the phone on the phone.The United States said that the Air Force laid a spy balloon. China said that it was a civilian scientific research balloon and pointed out that the United States had a fire.US Secretary of State Brosky was originally delayed that the trip to visit Beijing on February 5 was delayed.

U.S. officials pointed out that recovery contact is the top priority.Brinken has been seeking to re -arrange his schedule.Officials such as US Secretary of Commerce Raymond and Treasury Minister Yellen also have their willingness to visit China.

The spokesman of the National Security Council, Kobe, said this week: "What is important is that we must keep these communication channels unblocked, especially when the relationship is so nervous." He said that the United States is discussing Yellen and Thunder with China.Monto may visit China and discuss the arrangement of economic issues.

Analysis: Deepen deepening taunts and accusations of obstructing the substantial contact between China and the United States

Bynden focuses on talking with other leaders to alleviate the relationship one by one.The last time he met with Chinese officials during the Gutan Group meeting held in Bali, Indonesia last November.In addition to the balloon incident, the United States has accused China of being closer to Russia and may provide it with weapons to attack Ukraine, which is also a factor in the relationship between the relationship between the two sides.

Analysts believe that the increasingly doubt, ridicule and accusations between China and the United States have almost dominated all exchanges, which hinders the substantial contact between the two parties.

William Cerby, a professor of Chinese research professor at Harvard University, said: "This is not a good time for American diplomacy." He said: "The last time that China was so close in 1957, when Mao Zedong announced in Moscow's" Dongfeng overwhelmed West Wind '' in Moscow '"