(Morning News) The White House said that under the order of President Biden on Friday (February 10), a U.S. fighter aircraft shot down an unknown object found over 40,000 feet near the Alaska coast.The U.S. military just shot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon near the coast of South Carolina last weekend.

Reuters and Bloomberg reported that the White House said on Friday that this object has only one small car size and has no motor capabilities. "It can pose a reasonable threat to civil aviation security."

Cry, a spokesman for the National Security Council, told the media that Biden ordered the military to lay this goal under the suggestion of the Pentagon.

Kobe said, "We don't know where it comes from, and I don't know who has it." He was cautiously classified as a balloon.

He said that before the object was shot down, he had been flying at a height of 40,000 feet (about 12,190 meters), and it was near northeast of Alaska near the Canadian border.He said that the U.S. pilot's assessment was no one above.

Kobe revealed that the new object and its trajectory attracted the attention of the United States on Thursday night.He said that unlike Chinese balloons, this object does not seem to be mobility and is subject to wind.

Bynden ordered it early on Friday.

Another U.S. official said that the object was shot down by a fighter at the Northern Command of the United States, and the collar sea where the object fell was frozen.

The official said: "Unknown objects fly at a height of 40,000 feet, which constitutes a reasonable threat to civilian flight safety." He also said that there was no sign that the ground personnel were threatened by military threats.Essence