(Washington / Tokyo Composite Electric) The United States refers to the electronic monitoring equipment that has been shot down recently. It belongs to a fleet of the Chinese military. Beijing has continued to use balloon to perform spy activities for many years.

The New York Times reported that the U.S. State Department issued a statement on Thursday (February 9) that the US officially dispatched U-2 reconnaissance aircraft to shoot Chinese balloons from high altitude and find that the equipment owned by balloons "is obviously used as intelligence monitoring, and weather balloon equipmentThe statement is inconsistent. "The equipment on the balloon has multiple antennas, "collecting and positioning communication"; solar panels on the device can generate sufficient electricity to allow "multiple intelligence collection sensor operations".

The State Department also said that the US government believes that companies producing the balloon are directly related to the Chinese People's Liberation Army.Video of the company's website promotes products shows the pictures of balloon flying over the United States and other countries.However, the State Council did not disclose the company's business name.

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings and NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg, who visited Washington, held a joint press conference on Wednesday and revealed that the United States is evaluating the wreckage of Chinese balloon salvaging, and has conveyed relevant information to dozens of countries to dozens of countries.Essence

He said: "We do this, because the United States is not the only goal of this more broad planning, and other sovereignty over five continents has been violated."

White House spokesman Jean Pierre told reporters on the Air Force No. 1 that China's balloon belongs to a fleet and has appeared around the world over the years.

The US Department of Defense Laude said that in the past, four Chinese balloons flew over the United States in Beijing.However, he did not explain whether these locations include military bases.

The Pentagon said on weekend that three times when the former president Trump took office, another president Biden took office.

The Washington Post quotes US officials that some spy balloon operations are operated on Hainan Island to monitor the military assets of surrounding competitors such as Japan, India and Taiwan.

NATO also pays attention to the balloon incident.Stoltenberg said that China has made a lot of investment in the development of new military capabilities in the past few years, and its intelligence activities in Europe have also increased. In addition to using satellites and networks, it also uses balloons. NATO has to be vigilant."We must realize the continuous risk of Chinese intelligence work, and then strengthen the work we should do to protect ourselves."

The U.S. government recently discovered that a Chinese spy balloon appeared over Montana ’s nuclear missile facilities, and the US Air Force fighter hit the balloon last Saturday.China has repeatedly emphasized that it is a civilian balloon.

Ryder said that the Navy is still salvaging the balloon wreckage, and divers and blasting technicians are underwater collection and investigation.

Japan is exchanging information with the United States on the balloon incident.In the Japanese Cabinet Secretary -General Matsuna, Matsno answered a reporter on Thursday: "We are analyzing objects observed over Japan in June 2020 and September 2021, including any relationship with the Chinese balloon incident."

In June 2020, mysterious balloons appeared over northern Japan.The photos taken by the local people and the media show that the balloon seems to have cross sticks and propellers.The Japan Meteorological Administration said at the time that mysterious balloon looked like a climate monitoring device, but did not belong to the Japanese Meteorological Administration.At that time, the Japanese government denied that the balloon may be a foreign government. However, after recently, the Japanese government began to re -evaluate a series of mysterious balloon incidents.

Matsuno Bogi said that the official also found other main balloons, including over the western shore of Kyushu in January 2022.

Yellen still plans to visit China

On the other hand, US Treasury Secretary Yellen stated on Wednesday that it still intends to visit China, but when it becomes "it really depends on" the State Council and the Ministry of National Defense.When she answered the reporter's inquiry, "I do think it is important to improve communication. I still want to access China and meet with the counterpart economic officials, but I cannot provide more details."

After Yellen held talks with Liu He, Vice Premier Liu He, Vice Premier Liu He, Switzerland last month, the US Ministry of Finance immediately announced that she would first visit China as a financial minister.

The balloon incident has led the US government to postpone Blink's Beijing trip.