(Morning News) On Wednesday (February 8), the shot of Chinese balloon is part of a "fleet" that spans the five continents.NATO expressed concern about the balloon incident.

Agence France -Presse reported that US Secretary of State Brillings said in the global influence of the incident that the United States was providing data to the allies when evaluating the recycled balloon fragments."We have shared information with dozens of countries in the world through Washington and through our embassies."

Brinton said at a joint press conference with the Secretary -General of NATO Organization, visiting the United States, said: "We do this because the United States is not the only goal of this wider plan. This plan violates five fiveSovereignty of continent countries. "

White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre told reporters on the Air Force No. 1 that these balloons are part of the "fleet" and said that they have been discovered around the world for several years.

A huge white balloon carrying precision devices crossed the United States last week. After the US President Biden ordered the military to shoot it down near the East Coast of the Atlantic Ocean.China insists that balloons are only conducting meteorological research, but the Pentagon describes the balloon as a high -tech spy operation.

Stoltenberg visited Washington after visiting Japan and South Korea. He said that the balloon indicates that NATO countries need to protect themselves."China's balloon over the United States confirms a behavior of China. We have seen that China has invested a lot in new military capabilities in the past few years."

Stoltenberg said China's intelligence activities in Europe have increased."They use satellites, they use the Internet, as we see above the United States, we also use balloons. So we must keep vigilance."

Stoltenberg also warned that China was learning from the war in Ukraine."What happened in Europe today may happen in Asia tomorrow."

The Washington Post quoted US officials as saying that China's surveillance plan was partly on Hainan Island in the south.It is reported that these balloons have updated old technologies and are used to monitor nearby competitors, such as Japanese, India and Taiwan's military assets.