(Paris News) France should encourage enterprises to scattered the operation center to Southeast Asia and other places to reduce the dependence of the supply chain to China.

French Minister of Foreign Trade Belcht said in an interview with Japan Economic News that in terms of production and procurement, "in order to reduce risks, it is necessary to reduce dependence on China."He said that the European Union regards China as a partner, economic competitors, and the opponents of the system.

For semiconductors and other components, Bigt proposes to transfer production lines to countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe because of "geopolitical stability".

But he acknowledged that despite dependence on China, France cannot be completely decoupled with China.

In 2021, France imported products with a total value of 64.3 billion euros (about S $ 91.8 billion) from China, accounting for 10%of the total imports.

In addition to encouraging enterprises to transfer production bases, Bigt also increases supply sources.Especially strategic industries such as semiconductor and pharmaceuticals.

Many Japanese companies have business in Southeast Asia, while French companies have a long history of cooperating with African companies.As a result, Bigter believes that France and Japanese companies can complement each other and achieve joint investment in third countries.

Bechter settled on Sunday (January 29) to visit Japan.One of the goals of his trip is to fight for Japanese companies to invest in France.

He said: "For France, Japan is a special and priority partner."

The French government is launching the "French 2030" plan with a total value of 54 billion euros to support the transformation of the country's carbon emission reduction and biotechnology.

Bigt said: "Japanese companies can benefit from fiscal assistance provided by (France) to achieve these goals."

He also talked about the United States that passed the inflation bill last year to provide rewards for electric vehicles manufactured in North America.France has always called on the United States to ensure that European companies will not be in an unfavorable position.

He said: "We are worried, it violates the rules of the World Trade Organization."