A large number of supporters of former Brazilian President Bosonaro broke through the police line of the police on Sunday (January 8), and broke into the Capitol, Presidential Palace and Supreme Court of the capital Brazil.President Trump's supporters impact the parliament building.

In the afternoon of the same day, after thousands of demonstrators in the same color as the Brazilian flag, they forced the three government buildings to destroy the furnishings inside and conflict with the police.The Security Force recaptured the control of the three buildings three hours after the incident and arrested about 400 people.

Brazilian President Lula, who took office on January 1, blamed the incident on Bosonaro and vowed to severely punish all the troubleders.Bosonaro, who has always refused to admit that the defeat, has been condemned to "plunder and invades public buildings" in Twitter for nearly six hours after the incident.But he refuted that Lula's allegations of him were "basically not found" and showed that the public had the right to hold a "peaceful demonstration".(AFP)