Russia caused the European energy crisis after the invasion of Ukraine in February last year. The surge in energy prices has led to nearly $ 1 trillion in European losses.The European government has provided more than $ 700 billion to help companies and consumers resist the impact. At the same time, they try to get rid of their dependence on Russia's energy, especially natural gas.

(Kiev Comprehensive Electric) Russian President Putin's approach to coerced energy as a weapon seems to have failed because of the warm winter in Europe, the extensive source of natural gas supply, and the effect of reducing demand to make Europe's natural gasStorage volume is still close to saturation, and the price has fallen sharply to the level before the Russia and Ukraine War.

Although the cold current or transportation of the transportation may still lead to confusion in the energy market, people are becoming more and more optimistic about Europe's peaceful spending this and next winter.The German Economic Minister Habeck said: "The risk of European economic and industrial collapse now seems to be alleviated."

Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February last year caused the European energy crisis. The surge in energy prices has led to nearly $ 1 trillion (about S $ 1.33 trillion) in Europe.The European government has provided more than $ 700 billion to help companies and consumers resist the impact. At the same time, they try to get rid of their dependence on Russia's energy, especially natural gas.

The European Union no longer imports coal and crude oil from Russia, and reduces imported Russian natural gas.The EU fills some gaps by increasing supply from Norway and liquefied natural gas from Qatar, the United States, and other producers.

In Germany, the reserves of liquefied natural gas reserves up to 91%, while only 54%a year ago. At that time, Russia cleared its controlling storage facilities.After that, the government of German Prime Minister Tsurtz collected local units of Russia's Gazprom PJSC to state -owned, and spent billions of euros to enrich the reserves.

In addition, the energy -saving measures of industry and families, as well as the warmest January for decades, helped keep this buffer.

The benchmark natural gas price has fallen to one -fifth of the record highs set in August; although the official is concerned that the lower price may stimulate demand, the usage is still declining.Morgan Stanley said in a report that it is expected that European consumption in 2023 will be about 16%lower than the average level of five years.

Facilized conditions and expansion of renewable energy are also helpful.According to the Global data of S & P, the increase in wind power and solar power generation will help a decrease of gas power generation in 10 largest electricity markets in Europe this year by 39%.

Morgan Stanley said that the situation has transformed to the extent that there are too many liquefied natural gas to reach Europe.The delivery of delivery in December last year set a new record, and this trend may continue.

The Russian army said that the 600 Ukraine was denied by Ukraine

In terms of war, the Russian army claimed to attack Kramatorsk, a temporarily resettled Uhanta building on Sunday (January 8).Military statement.

The Wudong theater spokesman Mievat said that the Russian army could not launch a high -precision attack, claiming that 600 people in the Ukranda were killed as if the Russian army destroyed all the Ukraine's high -mobility rocket system "Hemaus" (Hemaus "(Himars).

Reuters reporters visited Clarmatusk's temporary placement of the Ukraine, and found that the Russian missiles did not hit the target, and there were no significant signs of casualties.Local residents said that they heard the explosion and the windows were shaking, but this was very common in the front line area.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that the attack launched by Kramatosk was to retaliate against a fatal attack that was temporarily launched by Makiivka, Russia controlled Russia on January 1.Russia claimed that the attack caused 89 Russian forces.