The Japanese Yomiram newspaper recently quoted Japanese officials reports that the United States and Japan proposed that this initiative was driven by issues such as forced labor in Xinjiang, China;, To do this too.

(Washington Composite Electric) The United States and Japan announced the establishment of a new working group to jointly promote human rights guarantee and international labor standards in the supply chain, and prepare to invite other countries to join the initiative.

U.S. Trade Representative Dai Qi and Minister of Economic and Industry in Japan signed a memorandum on Washington on Friday (January 6) in Washington.

Japan's Yomiramate News recently quoted Japanese officials reported that the United States and Japan proposed that this initiative was promoted by issues such as forced labor in Xinjiang, China; in order to solve the problem, Washington has strengthened relevant regulations and Japan has to do this.

The two countries show that they will invite other countries to join.Dai Qi said at the signing ceremony: "This cannot be relying on the United States and Japan. In order to ensure that it is effective, we must cooperate with all stakeholders, such as workers' groups, business enterprises, and civil organizations to achieve lasting and meaningful changes in change.. We must also invite other governments to join our ranks to jointly maintain the dignity of workers in various places. "

She said that according to recent estimates of international labor organizations, 28 million people around the world have been forced to work."We must deal with the forced labor issues in each stage in the supply chain. Regardless of whether the cotton contained in our clothes, or the metal contained in our cars, this kind of abuse of power may cause damage to our system foundation"

The Office of the US Trade Representative said that Dai Qi and Xicun also held a bilateral meeting to discuss the follow -up steps of the above working group and the priority of Japan's time as the rotating chairman of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) this year.

West Murakami said on Thursday that Japan should promote the G7 to take mutual coordination this year to prevent China from imposing "economic stress" for some trading partners.

Senior U.S. officials revealed to Reuters last year that American allies intentionally followed Washington and prohibited the import of goods produced in Xinjiang "forced labor".

The United States implemented the Uyghur forced Labor Prevention (UFLPA) in June last year to prohibit the import of products in Xinjiang or the import of goods related to Xinjiang.The relevant ban is very strict. Even if only parts of the products produced in Xinjiang will be classified as involving forced labor, importers must be able to prove that the goods are not involved before customs clearance.

The US -Japan sign the update memorandum to strengthen network security cooperation

Washington refers to China's "racial extinction" of Uyghur and other ethnic minorities, and drives them into the "concentration camp", and Beijing refutes it.

The US Minister of Land and Safety Mariocas and Nishimura also signed a memorandum of update to strengthen network security cooperation between the two countries.

The Ministry of National Security issued a statement saying that the two also held a round table with Japanese enterprise representatives to maintain human rights in the supply chain and prevent forced labor.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi will visit Washington next week.The White House said that US President Biden will meet on January 13.It is expected that the two will focus on discussing issues on China and other urgency.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills and Secretary of Defense Austin will be on the 11th, with the Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng and the Defense Director Hamada, who preside over the US -Japan Security Consultative Committee.