Japan wants to promote the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) to take mutual coordination this year to prevent China from imposing "economic stress" for some trading partners.

Minister of Economy and Industry Nishimura Kangyu on Thursday (January 5) said in Washington, USA, in Washington, USA, in recent years, China's actions, such as suspending the import of Taiwan pineapple and Australian wines, are the danger of "obvious and danger to the global economy in the world."" ".

Japan is the chairman of this year's G7 round, and the G7 summit will be held in Hiroshima in May.Nishimura said: "We hope that the effective response to the economic coercion is a key topic of this year's G7 summit."

Nishimura and US Minister of Commerce Raymond said that they may take countermeasures if necessary to help countries and regions that have become "autocracy" to coerce their goals.In addition, it should be confirmed that the weakness may be used by these regimes.

In recent years, when a diplomatic dispute with trade partners in China has adopted punitive economic measures.For example, after Japan and China had a marine sovereign dispute in 2010, China was banned from exporting rare earth metals.

G7 countries have also implemented some export embargo on China, including the US -led advanced chip technology embargo.China has accused them of implementing trade protectionism and intended to prevent China's economic rise.

Nishimura said that the Japanese side intends to continue to promote such a policy that restricts China to obtain certain technology.

According to the Japanese current Affairs News Agency, Nishimura and Raymond Doro discussed how to work together to restrict the export of chip manufacturing equipment, and also reached an agreement on expanding economic security in the United States and Japan.

Xicun said that free economies must protect their own industrial strength and prevent technology from flowing, especially those technologies that may turn into military use.He proposed strict export control on the basis of international cooperation to prevent malicious national abuse of key new technologies.

Although Nishimura did not talk about the details of "strict export control", the Japanese side had to "assist the United States" in this regard.If Japan's limiting chip equipment companies such as Tokyo Electronics and Nikon to sell advanced equipment to Chinese customers, it will marked a significant victory in the US government in preventing China from the actions that prevent China from getting foreign key technologies.

The US -Japan guide G7 to focus on economic security topics

U.S. President Biden announced last October that it plans to sign an agreement with the allies to restrict China to obtain advanced chip manufacturing equipment to prevent China from continuing to move forward in the field of science and technology and arms.

According to the production of the Merchants News, after the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, all parties are worried that China will use energy resources to control the manufacturing supply chain.According to the information released by Xicun's visit to the United States, the United States and Japan are guiding the G7 to focus on economic security issues.

In addition, when Nishimura and Raymond met, the US international business machines (IBM) and Japan's Rapidus companies also attended the meeting, and reported the development of cooperation between the two sides in semiconductor research and development.