Bloomberg (Bloomberg) Russia and Ukraine have made European countries increase their defense expenses and promised to invest billions of euros to achieve modernization and construction of the army, and their private investment in national defense related technology companies has also increased.

Data from US financial data company Pitchbook shows that last year's investment in aerospace and national defense reached a record high of nearly 780 million euros (about $ 1.16 million), reversing high interest rates and high inflation caused by technologyInvestment in the field generally declines.

Since the outbreak of war, European countries have successively increased national defense budgets.Germany, which has limited military spending in the past few decades, allocated 10 billion euros to buy 35 F-35A Lightning II (F-35A Lightning II) fighters; NATO also launched a plan named Defense Innovation Accelerator.Early start -ups and other deep technology funds in NATO's strategic goals invested 1 billion euros.

Last year, the EU National Defense Fund also funded 1.2 billion euros to fund 61 defense R & D projects.

The co -founder of the artificial intelligence company hel, the battlefield data analysis, Schiref said that the Russian and Ukraine war prompted more and more European investors and engineers to re -think about priority and invest in aerospace and national defense fields.Trends may continue.

Schiref, a senior consultant of the German Ministry of Defense, said: "Ukraine (war) may be displayed. It is necessary for democratic countries to be a technical creator, not just a receiver."

Merzler, CEO of German aerospace startup Isar Aerospace, also agreed that the war changed some employees' views on the industry; the satellite rocket developed by his company can also be used as national defense.

Mezler said: "They want to assist in maintaining peace on our planet ... In my opinion, they no longer avoid research (can be applied in military and commercial) dual -use technology. Perhaps three or four years ago, three or four years ago,They will never consider working in such a field. "

This German rocket manufacturer also found that investors' interest in military and civilian dual -use technology is becoming increasingly strong."Just two years ago, everyone said no, we would not touch any technologies related to national defense, because some of their limited partners and investors did not allow them to study military technology ...Judging from the perspective of the limited partners, they did change. "