This is the first time since Russia invaded Ukraine. However, after the ceasefire time announced by Russia, Ukrainian town on the front line still exploded.Point and military position.

(Moscow / Washington Composite Electric) Russia unilaterally stopped the fire for 36 hours from Friday (January 6), but Western countries and Ukraine both refer to Russia's "fake" ceasefire.This is the first ceasefire since Russia invaded Ukraine. However, after the ceasefire time announced by Russia, the front line of Ukrainian town still exploded, while the Russian army said that the Ukraine continued to bombard the residents and military positions.

The Kremlin said that the ceasefire started from 12 noon on Friday (5 pm Singapore time on Friday), until the end of Saturday at midnight (Singapore Sunday at 5 am).U.S. President Biden pointed out that Russia's ceasefire was only fighting for breathing.US State Department spokesman Price said the United States questioned the intention of Russian President Putin to propose a ceasefire plan. If Putin wanted peace, he should end the war and withdraw all the Russian army out of the Ukrainian territory.

Britain, Germany, and European council believe that short -term ceasefire helplessness to achieve peace.British Foreign Minister Cleverly, German Foreign Minister Belbak, and European Council President Michel on Thursday, on Thursday, in Twitter, Russia must end the war and fully withdraw troops to stop the brutal attack on innocent civilians.

Ukrainian President Zeleiski said that this is the Slower plan of Russia, which aims to prevent the Urpical offensive in the Donbass region in the eastern part and reinforce the Russian army.

January 7th is the Orthodox Christmas.Russia's East Orthodox Emperor Kirille called for a ceasefire during the festival during the festival.Putin obeyed the suggestion and instructed the front line to cease fire.

Former Russian President: Russian hypersonic missile quickly approached the coast of NATO members

Putin's intimate ally and former President Medvedev warned the United States on Thursday that Russia's supersonal missiles will soon approach the coast of NATO member states.

Russia's first naval frigates equipped with "vermiculite" hypersonic missile have begun to sail and exercise at the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Mediterranean."The New Year's Gift was a vermiculite missile that sailed to the NATO national coast yesterday. These missiles can be deployed 160 kilometers from the United States Coast. This is too exciting! This will make any of Russia and our allies direct directly.The threatening person is awake. "

Medvedev responded to the video released by the US Embassy in Russia.This 50 -second video called on the Russian people not to died because of war. They also said that the United States would stand with Russians who opposed the war and assist them in creating a more peaceful future.

According to Bloomberg, Russian Prime Minister Michase Beijing issued instructions to officials in mid -December last year that the government plans to obtain more funds from some commodity manufacturers and state -owned enterprises and reduce non -national defense expenses in order to raise funds for war.Other suggestions include improving the dividends of state -owned enterprises, as well as one -time payment from chemical fertilizers and coal manufacturers.The Russian government and the Ministry of Finance did not comment on this.